

 このうち、長崎大学・福島県立医科大学共同大学院 災害・被ばく医療科学共同専攻(修士課程)では「放射線災害医療学」を開講し8名の卒業生を輩出しています(うち3名は年間最優秀論文賞受賞)。医学部博士課程では「放射線災害医療学」を開講しています。 



Research Category
Principal Investigator Name
Title of Research Project
年度  環境省
長谷川 有史
年度  環境省
長谷川 有史
年度 基盤研究(B) (一般)
長谷川 有史
年度 若手研究
井山 慶大
年度 医療経済研究機構
井山 慶大
年度 基盤研究(B) (一般)
長谷川 有史
年度  基盤研究(C) (一般)
長谷川 有史
年度 基盤研究(C) (一般)
長谷川 有史
Virtual Realityを利用した放射線災害時表面汚染検査学習ソフトの開発
年度 丸茂救急医学研究振興基金
井山 慶大


「原子力災害時の汚染傷病者受入れの放射線管理に関する指針の提案 」



「実現可能なテイラーメイド放射線健康不安対策の提案 」



1 原  著
1-1 欧 文 原 著
1. Okazaki R, Satoh K, Hasegawa A, Matsuda N, Kato T, Kanda R, Shimada Y, Hayashi T, Kohzaki M, Mafune K, Mori K., Contribution of radiation education to anxiety reduction among Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant workers: a cross sectional study using a text mining method, J Radiat Res., 2021, ahead of print.
2. Iyama K, Kakamu T, Yamashita K, Shimada J, Tasaki O, Hasegawa A, Survey about Intention to Engage in Specific Disaster Activities among Disaster Medical Assistance Team Members, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 10, 1-7, 2021.
3. Yamamoto C, Sawano T, Nishikawa Y, Ozaki A, Shimada Y, Morita T, Zhao T, Hasegawa A, Oikawa T, Tsubokura M, Evaluation of the emergency medical system in an area following lifting of the mandatory evacuation order after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: A retrospective cross-sectional observational study, Medicine 100, 2021.
4. Hasegawa A, Shiga M, Iyama K, Development of computer simulator 'Kawauchi Legends' as disaster response medical training software: overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, Ann ICRP, 2021, online ahead of print
5.Iyama K, Takano Y, Takahashi T, Hasegawa A. Factors associated with the intention to participate in activities during a nuclear disaster situation among firefighters. Journal of Radiation Research. 202011; 61(6):871-875..
6. Iyama K, Takano Y, Takahashi T, Hasegawa A, Factors associated with the intention to participate in activities during a nuclear disaster situation among firefighters. J Radiat Res. 61, 871-875, 2020.
7.Iyama K, Ikeda S, Inokuma T, Sato S, Yamano S, Tajima G, Hirao T, Nozaki Y, Yamashita K, Kawano H, Maemura K, Tasaki O. How to Safely Prevent Venous Thromboembolism in Severe Trauma Patients. International Heart Journal. 202009; 61(5):993-998.
8. Ohba T, Ishikawa T, Nagai H, Tokonami S, Hasegawa A, Suzuki G, Author Correction: Reconstruction of residents' thyroid equivalent doses from internal radionuclides after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident, Sci Rep. 10, 6262, 2020.
9. Ohba T, Ishikawa T, Nagai H, Tokonami S, Hasegawa A, Suzuki G, Reconstruction of residents' thyroid equivalent doses from internal radionuclides after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. Sci Rep. 10, 3639, 2020.
10. Tsujiguchi T, Ito K, Sato D, Mikami J, Shiroma Y, Hasegawa A, Yamamura H, Kashiwakura I, The Development of an Active Learning Program for the Medical Responders in a Nuclear Disaster. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 13, 853-858, 2019.
11. Ohba T, Hasegawa A, Suzuki G, Estimated Thyroid Inhalation Doses Based on Body Surface Contamination Levels of Evacuees After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Health Phys. 117, 1-12, 2019.
12. Hasegawa A, Takahashi M, Nemoto M, Ohba T, Yamada C, Matsui S, Fujino M, Satoh K, J Radiat Res., Lexical analysis suggests differences between subgroups in anxieties over radiation exposure in Fukushima, J Radiat Res. 59, 83-90, 2018.
13. Ohba T, Hasegawa A, Kohayagawa Y, Kondo H, Suzuki G. Body surface contamination levels of residents under different evacuation scenarios after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Health Phys, 113, 175-182, 2017.
14. Shimada J, Tase C, Hasegawa A, Tsukada Y, Kondo H, Kohayagawa Y, Kodo Y, An Estimation of Earthquake-Related Deaths Caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture, J Regional Emergency and Disaster Medicine Research, 15, 7-12, 2016.
15. Shimada J, Tase C, Ikegami Y, Hasegawa A, Tsukada Y, Outcome of Patients Evacuated from Hospitals after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident during the Great East Japan Earthquake, J Regional Emergency and Disaster Medicine Research, 15, 13-17, 2016.
16. Yoshida K, Hayashida N, Fukushima Y, Ohtsuru A, Ohba T, Hasegawa A, Sato H, Shishido F, Yasui K, Kumagai A, Yusa T, Kudo T, Yamashita S, Takamura N, Changes in radiological imaging frequencies in children before and after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Jpn J Radiol, 33, 619-626, 2015.
17. Shimada J, Tase C, Tsukada Y, Hasegawa A, Iida H, Early Stage Responses of Intensive Care Units During Urgent Major Disaster: From the Experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Fukushima J Med Sci, 61, 32-37, 2015.
18. Ikegami Y, Suzuki T, Nemoto C, Tsukada Y, Hasegawa A, Shimada J, Tase C, Establishment and implementation of an effective rule for the interpretation of computed tomography scans by emergency physicians in blunt trauma, World Journal of Emergency Surgery, 9, 2014.
19. Ohba T, Miyazaki M, Sato H, Hasegawa A, Sakuma M, Yusa T, Shishido F, Ohtsuru A, A strategy for a rapid radiological screening survey in large scale radiation accidents: a lesson from an individual survey after the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant accidents. Health Phys., 107, 10-17, 2014.

1-2 和 文 原 著
1. 高橋司、井山慶大、村上道夫、長谷川有史、救急救命士を目指す学生の原子力災害に対応する意識に影響を与える因子とは、 日本臨床救急医学会雑誌, 24, 320-330, 2021.
2. 安齋秀律、竹林由武、長谷川有史、林田直美、村上道夫、福島県と静岡県の消防職員の原子力災害への準備性とその関連要因の解明、福島医学雑誌, 70,151-159, 2020.
3. 林卓哉、真船浩介、松田尚樹、長谷川有史、加藤尊秋、神田玲子, 島田義也、 佐藤健一、森晃爾、立石清一郎、香崎正宙、岡崎龍史、福島第一原発作業者に対する放射線知識と不安に関する質問調査、産業医科大学雑誌, 42, 339-346, 2020.
4. 岡崎龍史、林卓哉、松田尚樹、長谷川有史、佐藤健一、加藤尊秋、神田玲子島田義也、立石清一郎、森晃爾、産業医に役立つ最新の研究報告 放射線教育プログラムによる福島原発作業員の知識向上と不安低減の定量的解析、産業医学ジャーナル, 42, 61-66, 2019.
5. 佐藤健一、久保田明子、根本真実、長谷川有史、経時変化をともなう被ばく・被災関連資料のテキスト解析、広島医学, 71, 291-294, 2018.

2 総  説
2-1 欧 文 総 説
1. Hibbert K, Engle-Hills P, Abdel-Wahab, M, Chhem RK, Hasegawa A, Kumagai, A, Phluong, P, Curriculum as Social Practice: The case of Fukushima, European Journal of Curriculum Studies, 4, 556-569, 2017
2. Hasegawa A, Ohira T, Maeda M, Yasumura S, Tanigawa K, Emergency Responses and Health Consequences after the Fukushima Accident; Evacuation and Relocation. Clin Oncol, 28, 237-244, 2016
3. Hasegawa A, Tanigawa K, Ohtsuru A, Yabe H, Maeda M, Shigemura J, Ohira T, Tominaga T, Akashi M, Hirohashi N, Ishikawa T, Kamiya K, Shibuya K, Yamashita S, Chhem RK., Health effects of radiation and other health problems in the aftermath of nuclear accidents, with an emphasis on Fukushima, From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Fukushima 2, The Lancet, 316, 479-488, 2015

2-2 和 文 総 説
1. 井山慶大、長谷川有史、放射線災害 (1) 福島第一原子力発電所事故の教訓を活かす、臨床透析, 37, 765-771, 2021
2. 保田浩志、吉田由香里、王冰、永田健斗、長谷川有史、高橋 昭久, 確定的影響の生物学的効果比(RBE)に関する最近の知見、 放射線生物研究、 56,164-207, 2021.
3. 長谷川有史、災害医療 それぞれの10年を振り返って】放射線災害医療の10年 福島第一原子力発電所事故とその後の安全管理、地域の健康、復興の10年、救急医学, 45, 274-281, 2021.
4. 長谷川有史、【治療法の再整理とアップデートのために 専門家による私の治療】放射線被ばく、日本医事新報, 5062, 84-46, 2021.
5. 長谷川有史、福島リポート(第33回) なぜ、福島事故後10年を振り返るのか、日本医事新報, 5055, 54-57, 2021.
6. 長谷川有史、災害医療体験記(第12回) 福島第一原発事故急性期の経験 COVID-19との類似点・相違点、救急医学, 44, 1324-1329, 2020.
7.井山慶大. 【ICU治療指針 III】中毒と管理 放射線障害 急性放射線症候群(ARS). 救急・集中治療. 202003; 31(4):1870-1875.36.井山慶大. 福島リポート(第31回) 長崎から福島に移って見えてきたもの. 日本医事新報. 202003; (5002):52-54.
8. 大津留晶、緑川早苗、熊谷敦史、安井清孝、大葉隆、千葉靖子、宮崎真、佐藤久志、長谷川有史、津山尚宏、坂井晃、石川徹夫、放射線健康リスク科学教育の医学教育における潮流と本学での取り組み、福島医学雑誌, 69, 85-94, 2019.
9. 長谷川有史、【緊急被ばく医療】緊急被ばく医療の実際について考える 医療機関における緊急被ばく医療の診療手順、救急医学, 43, 743-753, 2019.
10. 長谷川有史、【医療の近未来予想図】大変化の先に幸福あり、日本医事新報, 4958, 55, 2019.
11. 長谷川有史、【災害時における耳鼻咽喉科の対応】災害における医師の役割、ENTONI, 226, 1-8, 2018.
12. 長谷川有史、島田二郎、谷川攻一、【取り組もう!BCP災害に備えて】医療機関に求められるBCPとは 原子力災害とBCP 放射線災害の特徴と福島第一原子力発電所事故の経験をふまえて、救急医学, 42, 1773-1783, 2018.
13. 長谷川有史、国の新しい放射線災害対策機構、「原子力災害医療派遣チーム」に焦点をあてて、長崎医学会雑誌, 91, 154-157, 2016.
14. 大津留晶、熊谷敦史、宮崎真、緑川早苗、坂井晃、長谷川有史、原子力災害から学ぶ新たな医療放射線防護、福島における医師・医学生への放射線災害医療教育の試み、医療放射線防護Newsletter, 72, 36-42, 2015.
15. 大津留晶、宮崎真、熊谷敦史、佐藤久志、緑川早苗、長谷川有史、放射線災害と向き合って、原発事故後の現況と医療における課題、東北矯正歯科学会雑誌, 22, 27-29, 2014.
16. 佐々木重徳、長谷川有史、貝沼純、渡部栄子、猪狩次雄、知っていますか?OR最新トピックス、手術室での被ばく汚染傷病者対応、オペナーシング、28, 1127-1134, 2013.
17. 長谷川有史、福島リポート(第13回)「お前は今、何をやっているんだ?」3.11から3年目を迎えて、日本医事新報, 4645, 28-31, 2013.
18. 島田二郎、田勢長一郎、塚田泰彦、長谷川有史、池上之浩、飯田裕司、病院内に発生しうる患者に起因しない緊急事態 地震、津波、そして原子力災害に対し訓練はどう生かされたか、日本臨床麻酔学会誌, 33, 126-130, 2013.
19. 長谷川有史、福島リポート(第7回)福島の原子力災害は「他人事」ですか?「我が事」ですか?、日本医事新報, 4603, 26-29, 2012.
20. 長谷川有史、【放射線災害と医療 福島原発事故では何ができて何ができなかったのか】東京電力福島第一原発事故時の緊急被ばく医療 福島医大被ばく医療班の取り組み、MOOK医療科学, 5, 59-68, 2012.
21. 竹之下誠一、長谷川有史、東日本大震災特別報告(福島発) 悲劇から奇跡へ 福島県立医科大学の役割と医療対応、消化器外科, 35, 355-358, 2012.
22. 長谷川有史、【知っていれば怖くない!救急看護師として知っておきたい放射線災害への対応】福島原発事故における福島医大病院緊急被ばく医療班の対応、EMERGENCY CARE, 25, 41-48, 2012.
23. 長谷川有史、【3.11から学ぶ】福島医大被曝医療班の活動 communicationとeducation、LiSA, 19, 220-226, 2012.
24. 長谷川有史、多治見公高、【全科に必要な重症患者ケアQ&A第2版】重症度の総合的スコアリング「APACHEII」とは何?、ナーシングケアQ&A、40, 68-69, 2011.
25. 長谷川有史、福島リポート(第2回) 災害現場を支える医療の現状 抱えた責務と抱えるべき責務、日本医事新報, 4571, 30-31, 2011.
26. 長谷川有史、フクシマリポート(第1回) 放射線リスクの考え方 科学と哲学の狭間で日本医事新報, 4565, 32-33, 2011.
27. 宍戸文男、田勢長一郎、佐藤久志、宮崎真、長谷川有史、【大震災後のよりよい医療の復旧・復興を目指して】緊急被ばく医療体制と東電原発事故災害への対応および今後の課題、Surgery Frontier, 18, 369-372, 2011.

3 著  書
3-1 和 文 著 書
1.井山慶大. 放射線障害:急性放射線症候群(ARS). In: 岡元和文 総監修. 重症患者診療指針. 東京: 総合医学社;1234-1239,2020,10
2. 長谷川有史、緊急被ばく医療、改訂第五版救急診療指針, 724-728, 2018.
3. 長谷川有史、急性放射線障害、今日の治療指針2017, 1028-1029, 2017.
4. 長谷川有史、緊急被ばく医療、外傷初期診療ガイドラインJATEC™改訂第5版, 314-318, 2016.
5. 長谷川有史、あのとき、何が起こったか、放射線災害と向き合って―福島に生きる医療者からのメッセージ―、福島県立医科大学附属病院被ばく医療班(現 放射線災害医療センター)編、ライフサイエンス選書、2013

4 学会発表
4-1 国際学会及びそれに準ずる外国における学会
1. Hasegawa A, Crisis communications after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Radiation Emergency Monitoring and Medicine in Nuclear Disaster -Current Status of Each Country and Future Prospects-, The 5th QST International Symposium, symposium, Chiba, JAPAN, 22 Sep 2021
2. Hasegawa A, Commemorating the 10 year mark since Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident - lessons learnt, Keynote lecture, The 16th Coordination meeting of the WHO Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network (REMPAN), keynote lecture, Vienna, Austria, 22 March 2021
3. Hasegawa A, Living in the region as an educator-how to pass the lessons learned to the future medical professionals-, IAEA Technical Meeting on Communication on Low-Dose Radiation – the Role of Science, Technology and Society, invited talk, Fukushima, JAPAN, 28 May 2019
4. Hasegawa A, Radiation risk and its perception after the nuclear disaster-from viewpoint of medical profession-, The International Symposium of Radiation Medical Science Center of Fukushima Medical University- Build Back Better: from the World to Fukushima, from Fukushima to the World -, symposium, Fukushima, JAPAN, 14 Jan 2019
5. Hasegawa A, Management of Radiologic Emergencies: Nuclear Disasters, the 5th Asian EMS Conference, EMS-ASIA, invited talk, Davao, Philippine, 18 June 2018
6. Hasegawa A, Re-establishment of nuclear emergency medical system in Japan -from the viewpoint of a front-line physician-, 15th Coordination and Planning Meeting of the WHO/ REMPAN Collaborating Centers and Institutions, symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 July 2017.
7. Hasegawa A, Archive project from the experience of earthquake and nuclear disaster, Can we learn from the negative experience? IAEA consultancy meeting on Science, Technology and Society Perspectives on Nuclear Science, Radiation and Human Health – The International Perspective, workshop, Hiroshima, Japan, 23 May 2017
8. Hasegawa A, The Fukushima Nuclear Accident in Japan-The effect of tsunami, earthquake and human factors-, International Major Incidence and Rescue Exercise Conference and Competition 2016, invited talk, Malacca, Malaysia, 17 October 2016
9. Hasegawa A, The Fukushima Nuclear Accident of Japan-What we have learned? -, 4th Asian EMS Conference, symposium, Seoul, Korea, 26 August 2016
10. Hasegawa A, Awareness for the CBRNE: lessons from Fukushima, CBRNe Convergence Asia, work shop, Tokyo, Japan, 1 June 2016
11. Hasegawa A, Medical response in the Fukushima nuclear accident, 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine, symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 8 Nov 2015
12. Hasegawa A, EMSS: System -Air emergency medical service in Japan-, 8th Asian Conference for Emergency Medicine, invited talk, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 Nov 2015
13. Hasegawa A, CBRN emergency and their impacts, what is the real impact of the nuclear disaster? –Lessons from Fukushima-, 9th European Society for Emergency Medicine Congress, TIER conference, invited talk, Turin, Italy, 13 Oct 2015
14. Hasegawa A, Lessons from Fukushima, Meltdown: action and emotion in a time of uncertainty, American Red Cross Biomedical Services Medical/Scientific Continuing Education Meeting, CME workshop, National Headquarters, workshop, Washington DC, USA, 17 July 2015.
15. Hasegawa A, Lessons from Fukushima -Viewpoint of a Front Line Physician Special Guest Lecture, invited talk, NIH, Washington DC, USA, 14 July 2015
16. Hasegawa A, Meltdown: action and emotion in a time of uncertainty, World Bank Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, invited talk, World Bank, Washington DC, USA, 13 July 2015
17. Hasegawa A, Medical Response to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident at Fukushima Medical University Hospital, The Public forum of the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Seminar, workshop, Sendai, Japan, 16 March 2015.
18. Hasegawa A, Lessons from Fukushima: Viewpoint of front line physician Fukushima, International Academic Conference on Radiation Health Risk Management in Fukushima, workshop, Fukushima, Japan, 15 March 2015.
19. Hasegawa A, Radiation Disaster Preparedness: What is the Role of the physician and health professional? -From view point of front line emergency physician-, National Institute of Public Health (NIPH), Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 12 Feb 2015
20. Hasegawa A, Overview of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, The 12th Asia Pacific Conference on Disaster Medicine, workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 18 September 2014
21. Hasegawa A, Event immediately following the disaster in Fukushima and crisis measures of the hospital, Third International Expert Symposium in Fukushima, Symposium, Fukushima, Japan, 8 September 2014.
22. Hasegawa A, Experiences and Lessons Learned from the Crisis Management in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, The 21st Asian Conference on Occupational Health, Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 September 2014.
23. Hasegawa A, Introduction of the Fukushima Medical University, 14th Coordination and Planning Meeting of the WHO/ REMPAN Collaborating Centers and Institutions, invited talk, Wurzburg, Germany, 7 May 2014.
24. Hasegawa A, Engaging Medical Students in Radiation Emergency Medicine, FMU-IAEA International Academic Conference, workshop, Fukushima, Japan, 23 November 2013.
25. Hasegawa A, A report on the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Japan, 2011 – 2013, 7th Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine, Pre-Congress Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 21 October 2013.
26. Hasegawa A, Engaging Medical Students in Radiation Emergency Medicine, Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network 2013 Conference, workshop, Singapore, 15 July 2013.
27. Hasegawa A, International Academic Conference on Radiation Health Risk Management in Fukushima, Initial Medical Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident at Fukushima Medical University Hospital, invited talk, Fukushima, Japan, 25 February 2013.
28. Hasegawa A, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident and emergency medical response at Fukushima Medical University Hospital, 6th International Symposium of Nagasaki University Global COE Program “Global Strategic Center for Radiation Health Risk Control”: A New Challenge of Radiation Health Risk Management, symposium, Nagasaki, Japan, 22 October 2011.
