2015年 論文


原著論文 (英文) 

1.Sakai A*, Ohira T, Hosoya M, Ohtsuru A, Sato H, Kawasaki Y, Suzuki H, Takahashi A, Kobashi G, Ozasa K, Yasumura S, Yamashita S, Kamiya K, Abe M, for the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. White blood cell count and its subpopulations in individuals in the evacuation zone designated by the government after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: The Fukushima Health Management Survey. J Epidemiology. 25(1): 80-87, 2015.


2.Tsuyama N*, Mizuno H, Katafuchi A*, Abe Y*, Kurosu Y*, Yoshida M, Kamiya K, Sakai A*: Identification of low-dose responsive metabolites in X-irradiated human B lymphoblastoid cells and fibroblasts. Journal of Radiation Research. 56: 46-58, 2015.


3.Takasu M, Kaichi Y, Tani C, Date S, Akiyama Y, Kuroda Y, Sakai A*, Awai K: Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least-squares Estimation (IDEAL) Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Biomarker for Symptomatic Multiple Myeloma. PLos One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcne.0116842 February 23, 2015.


4.Fukushima T, Suzuki S, Ohira T, Ohtsuru A, Midorikawa S, Sakai A*, Abe M, Yamashita S, Suzuki S: Prevalence of ectopic intrathyroidal thymus in Japan. The Fukushima Health Management Survey. Thyroid. 25: 534-537, 2015.


5.Satoh H,  Ohira T, Hosoya M, Sakai A*, Watanabe T, Ohtsuru A, Kawasaki Y, Suzuki H, Kobashi G, Takahashi A, Ozasa K, Yasumura S, Yamashita S, Kamiya K, Masafumi A. Evacuation after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident is a cause of diabetes: Results from the Fukushima Health Management Survey. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2015;2015:627390. Epub 2015 May27.


6.Ishikawa T, Yasumura S , Ozasa K , Kobashi G, Yasuda H, Miyazaki M, Akahane K, Yonai S, Ohtsuru A, Sakai A*, Sakata R, Kamiya K, Abe M.The Fukushima Health Management Survey: estimation of external doses to residents in Fukushima Prefecture. Scientific Reports. 5:12712 DOI:10. 1038/srep12712, 2015 Aug 4.


7.Kawasaki Y, Hosoya M, Yasumura S, Ohira T, Satoh H, Suzuki H, Sakai A*, Ohtsuru A, Takahashi A, Ozasa K, Kobashi G, Kamiya K, Yamashita S, Abe M, and the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. The Basic Data for residents aged 15 years or younger who received a Comprehensive Health Check in 2011-2012 as a part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Fukushima J.Med.Sci. 61(2): September11,2015.


8.Suzuki H, Ohira T, Takeishi Y, Hosoya M, Yasumura S, Satoh H, Kawasaki Y, Takahashi A, Sakai A*, Ohtsuru A, Kobashi G, Ozasa K, Yamashita S, Kamiya K, Abe M, for the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. Increased incidence of atrial fibrillation after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Results from the Fukushima Health Management Survey.  International Journal of Cardiology. 198:102-105, 2015.


9.Abe Y*, Miura T, Yoshida MA*, Ujiie R*, Kurosu Y*, Kato N, Katafuchi A*, Tsuyama N*, Ohba T, Inamasu T, Shishido F, Noji H, Ogawa K, Yokouchi H, Kanazawa K, Ishida T, Muto S, Ohsugi J, Suzuki H, Ishikawa T, Kamiya K, Sakai A*. Increase in dicentric chromosome formation after a single CT scan in adults. Scientific Reports. 5:13882 DOI:10.1038/srep 13882, 2015 Sep 9.


10.Ohira T, Hosoya M, Yasumura S, Satoh H, Suzuki H, Sakai A*, Ohtsuru A, Kawasaki Y, Takahashi A, Ozasa K, Kobashi G, Kamiya K, Yamashita S, Abe M and for the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. Effect of evacuation on body weight after the Great East Japan Earthquake. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. pil: S0749-3797(15)00685-6, 2015 Dec 7. 




1. 大津留晶,熊谷敦史,宮崎真,緑川早苗,坂井晃*,長谷川有史:福島における医師・医学生への放射線災害医療教育の試み 第25回「高橋信次記念講演・古賀佑彦記念シンポジウム」 医療放射線防護 No 72: 36-42, 2015.


2. 林正幸,安村誠司,小橋元,秋葉澄伯,大津留晶,坂井晃*,坂田律,石川徹夫,神谷研二,阿部正文. 福島県県民健康管理調査による被曝線量推計に関する研究  -簡易質問票の妥当性について- 福島医学雑誌 65(4): 149-161,2015.


3. 福田俊章,石川和信,坂井晃*,挾間章博,岡田達也,志村清仁,藤野美都子.医学セミナー 2014.福島医学雑誌 65(4): 208-209, 2015.



総説 (邦文)

1.坂井晃*.カラー図説:多発性骨髄腫の発症メカニズム 特集 多発性骨髄腫の病態と最新治療 -基礎と臨床の最新治療-.日本臨床 Vol.73 No.1 (1070): 2-6, 2015.


2.大津留晶,緑川早苗,坂井晃*,志村浩己,鈴木悟.医学と医療の最前線 甲状腺がんと放射線障害.日本内科学会雑誌 104: 593-599, 2015.


3.坂井晃*.リンパ腫学 -最新の研究動向- II.リンパ腫の疫学と危険因子 リンパ腫の危険因子 放射線被ばく.日本臨床 73(8):85-91,2015.


4.坂井晃*.  多発性骨髄腫の発症と進展のメカニズム. ブラッシュアップ多発性骨髄腫 木崎昌弘/編著 中外医学社  P2-10, 2015.