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School Of Nursing
Health Care System
Department of Environmental health
The aim of the Department of Environmental Health is to integrate knowledge and methods for various fields of science, and to contribute to health promotion. Therefore, this division encompasses many areas, such as public health, occupational health, school health, and environmental health.
Professor Kiyoshi KATOH, MD
Lecturer Mariko KURODA, PHD, RN
Research Associate Eiko MASUBUCHI, MSN, RN
Studies on neurotoxicity of organophosphorus compounds.
Studies on the psychological and physiological effects of guided imagery as a method of relaxation.
Studies on health promotion activities in the work place.

In addition, we are cooperating with people in various public health areas for several intervention studies to develop an efficient health care system.
This department provides undergraduate students with three courses.
1. Introduction to Environmental Science
  This course is designed to give a basic understanding of various environmental factors that cause health problems, and to give students the opportunity to understand the relationship between humans and the environment.
2. Concepts of Health
  This course provides opportunities for students to understand the concepts of health and to learn methodology for health education.
3. Introduction to Health Care
  Students will learn about risk factors to health problems, and how to assess them for disease prevention
Age-related differences in the inhibition of neuropathy target esterase and susceptibility to triphenyl phosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity in chickens. Japanese Journal of Hygiene, 47/4,155-168, 1992

Blood pressure, obesity and urine cation excretion in two populations of the Cook Islands. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 160/2,117-128, 1990

Smoking habits and attitudes toward smoking among medical students. Japanese Journal of School Health, 39/2,157-162, 1997
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