Suzuki K, Yoshida K, Hakozaki T, Tanaka S, Inoue S. Successful management by employing situational extracorporeal membrane oxygenation strategies in a patient with acute type A aortic dissection: a case report. Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology. 202308; 15:64.
Honda J, Tanaka S, Yoshida K, Inoue S. Abnormally low regional cerebral oxygen saturation after induction of anesthesia without neurological abnormality: A case report. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 202310; 26(4):442-445.
Honda J, Tanaka S, Hakozaki T, Inoue S. Airway distortion in mucopolysaccharidosis. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia. 202312; 70(12):2004-2005.
Yoshida K, Hareyama I, Noji Y, Tanaka S, Watanabe K, Inoue S. The relationship between the orientation of the lateral decubitus position for spinal anesthesia and positioning pain in patients with a femoral neck fracture: randomized non-inferiority trial. JA Clinical Reports. 202301; 9(1):3.
Noji Y, Inoue S, Watanabe K. Bilateral clavipectoral fascial plane block in single-stage surgery for bilateral midshaft clavicle fractures. JA Clinical Reports. 202304; 9(1):19.
Yoshizawa S, Nomoto Y, Nemoto C, Inoue S. A case of facial palsy after spinal surgery with prone positioning in a patient with achondroplasia. JA Clinical Reports. 202306; 9(1):35.
Yoshizawa S, Nemoto C, Inoue S. Cardiopulmonary arrest caused by airway obstruction due to acute transient thyroid swelling after fine-needle aspiration biopsy. JA Clinical Reports. 202307; 9(1):43.
Yoshida K, Sasaki R, Tanaka S, Inoue S. A case of markedly enlarged blood vessels in the intercostal and paravertebral spaces in a patient with severe liver failure. JA Clinical Reports. 202308; 9(1):51.
Araki H, Inoue S. Switching to remimazolam followed by flumazenil may be a promising combination for deep extubation. JA Clinical Reports. 202308; 9(1):52.
Hasegawa T, Iseki Y, Hosono A, Inoue S. The effect of unilateral chest drainage for transpulmonary pressure during mechanical ventilation. JA Clinical Reports. 202310; 9(1):72.
Kotani T, Inoue S, Ida M, Naito Y, Kawawguchi M. Association between delirium and grip strength in ICU patients for cardiac surgery (D-GRIP study). JA Clinical Reports. 202311; 9(1):81.
Hasegawa T, Yoshida K, Hakozaki T, Inoue S. Severe pressure ulcer caused by an electrode belt for monitoring electrical impedance tomography in two patients in the prone position. JA Clinical Reports. 202311; 9(1):82.
Itakura Y, Hakozaki T, Inoue S. Cardiac tamponade developing during Trousseau's syndrome with pulmonary embolism. JA Clinical Reports. 202312; 9(1):84.
Yoshida K, Nakano Y, Inoue S. Pitfalls of continuous drug administration methods in pediatric anesthesia to reduce medication errors. JA Clinical Reports. 202312; 9(1):90.
Yoshida K, Obara S, Inoue S. Analgesia nociception index and high frequency variability index: promising indicators of relative parasympathetic tone. Journal of Anesthesia. 202302; 37(1):130-137.
Kotani T, Ida M, Inoue S, Naito Y, Kawaguchi M. Association between Preoperative Hand Grip Strength and Postoperative Delirium after Cardiovascular Surgery: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 202304; 12(7):2705.
Yoshida K, Tokimura S. To prevent accidental administration of disinfectants used for skin disinfection in epidural anesthesia. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. 202310; 48(10):533.
Sonobe S, Kitabatake M, Hara A, Konda M, Ouji-Sageshima N, Terada-Ikeda C, Furukawa R, Imakita N, Oda A, Takeda M, Takamura S, Inoue S, Kunkel SL, Kawaguchi M, Ito T. The critical role of the histone modification enzyme Setdb2 in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Shock. 202307; 60(1):137-145.
Obara S, Yoshida K, Inoue S. How obesity affects the disposition of intravenous anesthetics. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. 202308; 36(4):414-421.
Kakinouchi K, Yoshida K, Hasegawa T, Yakushiji T, Inoue S. Bending the endortacheal tube into a U-shape for tracheal intubation. Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology. 2023; 15:59.
Honda J, Hakozaki T, Hasegawa T, Obara S, Inoue S. Use of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography and epiaortic ultrasound to diagnose false lumen enlargement of chronic aortic dissection. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 202307; 26(3):333-335.
Obara S, Oishi R, Nakano Y, Kurosawa S, Inoue S. Marked improvement in severe postherpetic itching following an epidural block: a case report. JA Clinical Reports. 202305; 9(1):24.
Honda J, Itakura Y, Tanaka S, Inoue S. Successful use of an antithrombin for heparin resistance with andexanet alfa. JA Clinical Reports. 202305; 9(1):26.
Honda J, Murakawa M, Inoue S. Effect of averaging time and respiratory pause time on the measurement of acoustic respiration rate monitoring. JA Clinical Reports. 202309; 9(1):61.
Kuwana K, Kobayashi M, Inoue S. Failed ventilation via i-gel due to air leakage of the drainage port. JA Clinical Reports. 202309; 9(1):62.
Watanabe Y, Obara S, Inoue S. Total intravenous anesthesia management with simulataneous use od remimazolam and propofol: A case series of three patients. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. 202310; 11:2050313X231204574.
Honda J, Hakozaki T, Obara S, Inoue S. Remimazolam anesthesia for off pump coronary artery bypass grafting and transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation combined surgery in patients with angina pectoris with low flow, low gradient aortic stenosis. 日本臨床麻酔学会誌. 202309; 43(5):400-405.
Hakozaki T, Hasegawa T, Inoue S. Integrated Assessment of Discrepancy Between Tracheal Tube and Tube Exchanger as Advancement: A Manikin Simulation Study. Asian Journal of Anesthesiology. 202312; 61(4):169-175.
Inoue S. Family reunion activity may be used as an alternative item for sexual activity in the Duke Activity Status Index. JA Clinical Reports. 202312; 9(1):87.
Yoshida K, Tanaka S, Watanabe K. Hanging-Drop Technique Is More Suitable for Epidural Space Confirmation in Patients With Subcutaneous Emphysema After Traumatic Multiple Rib Fractures. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 202312; 37(12):2689-2690.
Honda J, Obara S, Inoue S. Obstacles to ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein central venous catheter insertion. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia. 202307; 17(3):455-456.
Kim TK, Obara S, Johnson KB. 4. Basic Pharmacologic Principles. In: Manuel C. Pardo. Miller's basics of anesthesia, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2023. p.31-50.