福島県立医科大学 医学部 放射線物理化学講座


  1. Ohba T., Ishikawa T., Nagai H., Tokonami S., Hasegawa A., Suzuki G.,Reconstruction of residents’ thyroid equivalent doses from internal radionuclides after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident.Scientific reports  10 (1) 3639(2020-02)

  2. Ohira T., Shimura H., Hayashi F., Nagao M., Yasumura S., Takahashi H., Suzuki S., Matsuzuka T., Suzuki S., Iwadate M., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Suzuki S., Nollet KE., Yokoya S., Ohto H., Kamiya K., Fukushima Health Management Survey Group.,Absorbed radiation doses in the thyroid as estimated by UNSCEAR and subsequent risk of childhood thyroid cancer following the Great East Japan Earthquake.Journal of Radiation Research  61 (2) 243 – 248,   (2020).

  3. Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Akahane K., Yonai S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Ohira T., Kamiya K.,Age dependence of individual external doses in an early stage after the fukushima nuclear accident.Radiation Protection Dosimetry  188 (2) 238 – 245,  (2020).

  4. 南光太郎., 堅田元喜., 北和之., 反町篤行., 保坂健太郎., 五十嵐康人.,温帯落葉広葉樹林から放出されたバイオエアロゾルの輸送過程の数値解析.エアロゾル研究  35 (3) 208 – 218,   (2020).

  5. Katata, G., Matsuda, K., Sorimachi, A., Kajino, M., Takagi, K.,Effects of aerosol dynamics and gas–particle conversion on dry deposition of inorganic reactive nitrogen in a temperate forest.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,    (2020)

  6. Ishikawa T.,Individual Doses to the Public after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident.Journal of Radiation Protection and Research  45 (2) 53 – 68,   (2020).

  7. Takahashi H., Yasumura S., Takahashi K., Ohira T., Ohtsuru A., Midorikawa S., Suzuki S., Shimura H., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Suzuki S., Yokoya S., Tanigawa K., Ohto H., Kamiya K.,Nested matched case control study for the Japan Fukushima Health Management Survey’s first full-scale (second-round) thyroid examination.Medicine  99 (27) e20440,   (2020).

  8. 大森康孝, 玉熊佑紀, 鈴木崇仁, Nugraha Eka Djatnika, Saputra Miki Arian, 細田正洋, 床次眞司.ラドン・トロン拡散型測定器に使用される子孫核種除去フィルタのトロン浸透率.放射能環境動態・影響評価ネットワーク共同研究拠点2019年度年次報告会.オンライン(2020.3.11)(口頭発表)

  9. Kasar S., Kavasi N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sahoo S.K. Fate of Cs, Sr and U in soils affected by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. online(2020.8.13)(口頭発表)

  10. Kavasi N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Shozugawa K., Hori M., Sahoo S.K. Sr-90 analysis in Fukushima water samples VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. online(2020.8.13)(口頭発表)

  11. Rajamanickam M., Kavasi N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sahoo S.K. Uranium isotope ratios and Sr-90 in Fukushima radiocaesium contaminated soil samples VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. online(2020.8.13)(口頭発表)

  12. 床次眞司, 杉山大輔, 柚木 彰, 大森康孝, 岩井 敏, 大越 実, 金濱秀昭, 真田哲也, 辻村憲雄, 山田崇裕, 横山須美.放射線防護標準化委員会活動報告.日本保健物理学会第53回研究発表会.オンライン(2020.6.29-30)(ポスター発表)

  13. 大森康孝.地表ラドン散逸率の変動要因:多深度土壌ラドン濃度測定に基づく検討.日本保健物理学会第53回研究発表会.オンライン(2020.6.29-30)(ポスター発表)

  14. Omori Y., Tamakuma Y., Nugraha E.D., Suzuki T., Saputra M.A., Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Impact of wind speed on response of diffusion-type radon-thoron detectors to thoron. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(9), 3178 (2020).

  15. Omori Y., Hosoda M., Takahashi F., Sanada T., Hirao S., Ono K., Furukawa M., Japanese population dose from natural radiation. Journal of Radiological Protection, 40(3), R99-R140 (2020).

  16. Omori Y., Shimo M., Janik M., Ishikawa T., Yonehara H., Variable strength in thoron interference for a diffusion-type radon monitor depending on ventilation of the outer air. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3), 974 (2020).

  17. Kasar S., Mishra S., Omori Y., Sahoo S.K., Kavasi N., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sorption and desorption studies of Cs and Sr in contaminated soil samples around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20(1), 392-403 (2020).