福島県立医科大学 医学部 放射線物理化学講座


  1. 石川徹夫, 福島原発事故による内部被ばくの概要. 保物セミナー2018「世界のエネルギー事情とこれからの保健物理」, 大阪府大阪市 (2018.11.16)

  2. 大葉隆, 長谷川有史, 石川徹夫, 鈴木元, 福島第一原発事故における19歳以下の行動パターンによる放射性物質の複数回の吸入によるばく露の可能性. 日本放射線影響学会第61回大会, 長崎県長崎市 (2018.11.9)

  3. 石川徹夫, 被ばく線量評価の最新状況. 日本放射線影響学会第61回大会, 長崎県長崎市 (2018.11.7)

  4. Abe Yu, Noji Hideyoshi, Sugai Misaki, Kurosu Yumiko, Tsuyama Naohiro, Yanai Aki, Ohba Takashi, Ishikawa Tetsuo, Miura Tomisato, Kamiya Kenji, Yoshida Mitsuaki, Sakai Akira,  Analysis of the number of chromosome aberrations induced by three consecutive CT examinations. 日本放射線影響学会第61回大会, 長崎県長崎市 (2018.11.7)

  5. 石川徹夫, 安村誠司, 赤羽恵一, 米内俊祐, 大津留晶, 坂井晃, 小笹晃太郎, 坂田律, 大平哲也, 神谷研二, 福島県「県民健康調査」における外部被ばく線量評価の最新状況. 日本保健物理学会第51回研究発表会, 北海道札幌市 (2018.6.28-29)

  6. Ohba T, Hasegawa A, Ishikawa T, Suzuki G., The proportion of evacuees with multiple plume exposures judging from the random sampled evacuation behavioral questionnaire records of less than 19 years old subjects after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. 64th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society and Conference on Radiation & Health. Chicago, USA. (2018.9).

  7. Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Ozasa K., Miyazaki M., Hosoya M., Akahane K., Yonai S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Sakata R., Kurihara O., Kobashi G., Ohira T., Kamiya K., External dose estimation in an early stage after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident -Lessons learned from behavior surveys using self-administered questionnaires. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 53(2), 100-110 (2018).

  8. Ishikawa T., Matsumoto M., Sato T., Yamaguchi I., Kai M., Internal doses from radionuclides and their health effects following the Fukushima accident. Journal of Radiological Protection 38(4), 1253-1268 (2018).

  9. Kato T., Janik M., Kanda R., Ishikawa T., Kawase M., Kawamoto T.,  Environmentally Friendly Measurement of Airborne Radon Using a Nonvolatile Liquid Scintillation Absorbent. Health Physics 115(2), 203-211 (2018).

  10. Ohira T., Takahashi H., Yasumura S., Ohtsuru A., Midorikawa S., Suzuki S., Matsuzuka T., Shimura H., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Yamashita S., Tanigawa K., Ohto H., Kamiya K., Suzuki S., Fukushima Health Management Survey Group., Associations Between Childhood Thyroid Cancer and External Radiation Dose After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Epidemiology 29(4), e32-e34 (2018).

  11. Furukawa M, Omori Y, Shingaki R, Masuda N, Obata M, Tamakuma Y, Suzuki T, Nakasone S, Ishimine A, Hosoda M, Akata N, Tokonami S., High indoor radon concentration observed in Yomitan-son, Okinawa prefecture, southwestern part of Japan. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  12. Sorimachi A, Tokonami S, Omori Y, Janik M, Iwaoka K, Ishikawa T, Sun Q., Characteristics of indoor radon and thoron in cave dwellings in Gansu Province, China. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  13. Sahoo S.K, Tokonami S, Ishikawa T, Sorimachi A, Omori Y, Hosoda M, Ramola R.C., Naturally occurring radionuclides and selected rare earth elements in air particulates of an Indian high radiation background area. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  14. Omori Y, Inoue S, Otsuka T, Nagamatsu Y, Sorimachi A, Ishikawa T., Reduction of ambient gamma dose rate from radiocesium due to snow cover. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  15. Omori Y., Recent progress in the Fukushima nuclear issue: dose evaluation for Fukushima residents. 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection. Melbourne, Australia. (2018.5). (口頭発表)

  16. Omori Y, Sorimachi A, Ishikawa T., Sturcture shieldng for school buildings against fallout gamma radiation from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection. Melbourne, Australia. (2018.5). (口頭発表)

  17. Furukawa M, Shingaki R, Masuda N, Nakasone S, Omori Y, Hosoda M, Tokonami S, Akata N., High indoor radon concentration observed in Okinawa, southwestern part of Japan. VI. Terrestrial Radionuclides in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection, Veszprém, Hungary. (2018.5). (ポスター発表)

  18. 大森康孝,. 生活圏における環境放射線の状況(福島の経験をモンゴルで活かすー福島医大モンゴル研究班報告ー). 日本国際看護学会第2回学術集会. 福島県福島市 (2018.9.15). (口頭発表).

  19. 大森康孝・石川拓磨・反町篤行・石川徹夫,. 看護学部棟内の空間線量率分布. 医学研究科大学院研究発表会・サマーポスターセッション. 福島県福島市 (2018.7.23-28). (ポスター発表).

  20. 大森康孝, 天然放射性核種ラドン測定に対する放射性同位体トロンの干渉. 放射性物質環境動態・環境および生物への影響に関する学際共同研究 2018年度キックオフミーティング. 茨城県つくば市 (2018.6.18). (ポスター発表).

  21. Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Measurement of gamma radiation at junior high school sites in Fukushima City. Radiation Environment and Medicine 7(1), 21-27 (2018).