- 2021
Kranrod C., Chanyotha S., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T.,A simple technique for measuring the activity size distribution of radon and thoron progeny aerosols.Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 229-230, 106506 (2021).
Igarashi Y., Kim E., Hashimoto S., Tani K., Yajima K., Iimoto T., Ishikawa T., Akashi M., Kurihara O.,Difference in the Cesium Body Contents of Affected Area Residents Depending on the Evacuation Timepoint Following the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.Health physics 119 (6) 733 – 745, ( 2020).
Xu, M., Kasahara, K., Sorimachi, A., Matsuda, K.,Nitric acid dry deposition associated with equilibrium shift of ammonium nitrate above a forest by long-term measurement using relaxed eddy accumulation.Atmospheric Environment in press (2021).
Kasar S., Mishra S., Sahoo S.K., Kavasi N., Omori Y., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sorption-desorption coefficients of Uranium in contaminated soils collected around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 233, 106617 (2021).
Sorimachi A., Nagamatsu Y., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Comparison experiments for radon and thoron measuring instruments at low-level concentrations in one room of a Japanese concrete building. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 173, 109696 (2021).
Murugan R., Kavasi N., Sahoo S.K., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Takahashi H., Aono T., Measurement of uranium isotope ratios in Fukushima-accident contaminated soil samples using multi collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 232, 106568 (2021).
Omori Y., Nagahama H., Yasuoka Y., Muto J., Radon degassing triggered by tidal loading before an earthquake. Scientific Reports 11, 4092 (2021).
Tamakuma Y., Hosoda M., Omori Y., Nagahama H., Ishikawa T., Shimo M., Tokonami S., Car-borne survey for a black shale area and influence of snowfall on absorbed dose rate in air of a coastal area. Radiation Environment and Medicine 10(2), accepted (2021).
- 2020
Ohba T., Ishikawa T., Nagai H., Tokonami S., Hasegawa A., Suzuki G.,Reconstruction of residents’ thyroid equivalent doses from internal radionuclides after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident.Scientific reports 10 (1) 3639(2020-02)
Ohira T., Shimura H., Hayashi F., Nagao M., Yasumura S., Takahashi H., Suzuki S., Matsuzuka T., Suzuki S., Iwadate M., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Suzuki S., Nollet KE., Yokoya S., Ohto H., Kamiya K., Fukushima Health Management Survey Group.,Absorbed radiation doses in the thyroid as estimated by UNSCEAR and subsequent risk of childhood thyroid cancer following the Great East Japan Earthquake.Journal of Radiation Research 61 (2) 243 – 248, (2020).
Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Akahane K., Yonai S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Ohira T., Kamiya K.,Age dependence of individual external doses in an early stage after the fukushima nuclear accident.Radiation Protection Dosimetry 188 (2) 238 – 245, (2020).
南光太郎., 堅田元喜., 北和之., 反町篤行., 保坂健太郎., 五十嵐康人.,温帯落葉広葉樹林から放出されたバイオエアロゾルの輸送過程の数値解析.エアロゾル研究 35 (3) 208 – 218, (2020).
Katata, G., Matsuda, K., Sorimachi, A., Kajino, M., Takagi, K.,Effects of aerosol dynamics and gas–particle conversion on dry deposition of inorganic reactive nitrogen in a temperate forest.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, (2020)
Ishikawa T.,Individual Doses to the Public after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident.Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 45 (2) 53 – 68, (2020).
Takahashi H., Yasumura S., Takahashi K., Ohira T., Ohtsuru A., Midorikawa S., Suzuki S., Shimura H., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Suzuki S., Yokoya S., Tanigawa K., Ohto H., Kamiya K.,Nested matched case control study for the Japan Fukushima Health Management Survey’s first full-scale (second-round) thyroid examination.Medicine 99 (27) e20440, (2020).
Omori Y., Tamakuma Y., Nugraha E.D., Suzuki T., Saputra M.A., Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Impact of wind speed on response of diffusion-type radon-thoron detectors to thoron. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(9), 3178 (2020).
Omori Y., Hosoda M., Takahashi F., Sanada T., Hirao S., Ono K., Furukawa M., Japanese population dose from natural radiation. Journal of Radiological Protection, 40(3), R99-R140 (2020).
Omori Y., Shimo M., Janik M., Ishikawa T., Yonehara H., Variable strength in thoron interference for a diffusion-type radon monitor depending on ventilation of the outer air. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3), 974 (2020).
Kasar S., Mishra S., Omori Y., Sahoo S.K., Kavasi N., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sorption and desorption studies of Cs and Sr in contaminated soil samples around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20(1), 392-403 (2020).
- 2019
Omori Yasutaka., Ishikawa Takuma., Sorimachi Atsuyuk., Ishikawa Tetsuo.,DISTRIBUTIONS OF INDOOR GAMMA DOSE RATES IN RELATION TO GAMMA-RAY EMISSIONS FROM BUILDING MATERIALS: CASE STUDY OF HIGH-RISE CONCRETE BUILDING IN FUKUSHIMA.,Radiation protection dosimetry 184 (1) 116 – 126 (2019-07)
Abe Y, Noji H., Miura T., Sugai M., Kurosu Y., Ujiie R., Tsuyama N., Yanagi A., Yanai Y., Ohba T., Ishikawa T., Kamiya K., Yoshida MA., Sakai A.,Investigation of the cumulative number of chromosome aberrations induced by three consecutive CT examinations in eight patients.Journal of Radiation Research 60 (6) 729 – 739, (2019).
Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Akahane K., Yonai S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Sakata R., Ohira T., Kamiya K.,The latest update on individual external doses in an early stage after the Fukushima nuclear accident.Radiation protection dosimetry 187 (3) 402 – 406, (2019).
Ohira T., Ohtsuru A., Midorikawa S., Takahashi H., Yasumura S., Suzuki S., Matsuzuka T., Shimura H., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Suzuki S., Yamashita S., Yokoya S., Tanigawa K., Ohto H., Kamiya K., Fukushima Health Management Survey group.,External Radiation Dose, Obesity, and Risk of Childhood Thyroid Cancer after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: The Fukushima Health Management Survey.Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 30 (6) 853 – 860, ( 2019).
Nakahara, A., Takagi, K., Sorimachi, A., Katata, G., Matsuda, K.,Enhancement of dry deposition of PM2.5 nitrate in a cool-temperate forest.Atmospheric Environment 212 136 – 141, ( 2019).
Igarashi, Y., Kita, K., Maki, T., Kinase, T., Hayashi, N., Hosaka, K., Adachi, K., Kajino, M., Ishizuka, M., Sekiyama, T.M., Zaizen, Y., Takenaka, C., Ninomiya, K., Okochi, H., Sorimachi, A.,Fungal spore involvement in the resuspension of radiocaesium in summer.Scientific Reports (2019).
Takiguchi M., Ohira T., Nakano H., Yumiya Y., Yamaki T., Yoshihisa A., Nakazato K., Suzuki H., Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Kamiya K., Takeishi Y.,Trends in the Incidence of Sudden Deaths and Heart Diseases in Fukushima After the Great East Japan Earthquake.International heart journal 60 (6) 1253 – 1258, (2019).
Ishikawa T., Yasumura Y., Sakai A., Ohtsuru A., Miyazaki M., Hosoya M., Ohira T., Kamiya K.,Experience in individual dose estimation after the Fukushima nuclear accident using self-administered questionnaires -activities to encourage responses to the questionnaires and resulting response rate-.Radiation Environment and Medicine 8 (2) 118 – 126, (2019).
大津留 晶., 緑川 早苗., 熊谷 敦史., 安井 清孝., 大葉 隆., 千葉 靖子., 宮崎 真., 佐藤 久志., 長谷川 有史., 津山 尚宏., 坂井 晃., 石川 徹夫.,放射線健康リスク科学教育の医学教育における潮流と本学での取り組み.福島医学雑誌 69 (1) 85 – 94, (2019).
Kojima Y., Yokoya S., Kurita N., Idaka T., Ishikawa T., Tanaka H., Ezawa Y., Ohto H.,Cryptorchidism after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident:causation or coincidence?.Fukushima journal of medical science 65 (3) 76 – 98 , (2019)
R. Kierepko., S.K. Sahooa., M. Hosoda., S. Tokonami., A. Sorimachid., E. Kim., M. Ohno.,238Pu/(239+240)Pu activity ratio as an indicator of Pu originating from the FDNPP accident in the terrestrial environment of Fukushima Prefecture.Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 196 133 – 140, (2019).
Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Gun-Aajav M., Enkhgerel N., Munkherdene G., Oyunbolor G., Shajbalidir A., Palam E, Yamada C., Gamma dose rate distribution in the Unegt subbasin, a uranium deposit area in Dornogobi Province, southeastern Mongolia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(32), 33494-33506 (2019).
Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Janik M., Iwaoka K., Ishikawa T., Sun Q.-F., Characteristics of indoor radon and thoron concentrations in cave dwellings in Gansu Province, China. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 184(3-4), 457-462 (2019).
Omori Y., Inoue S., Otsuka T., Nagamatsu Y., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Reduction in ambient gamma dose rate from radiocesium due to sow cover. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 184(3-4), 510-513 (2019).
Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Distributions of indoor gamma dose rates in relation to gamma-ray emissions from building materials: case study of high-rise concrete building in Fukushima.Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 184(1), 116-126 (2019).
Omori Y., Sorimachi A.,Gun-Aajav M., Enkhgerel N., Oyunbolor G., Palam E., Yamada C., Elevation of gamma dose rate by construction of the Asian Highway 3 (AH3) between Ulaanbaatar and Sainshand, Mongolia. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 184(1), 127-134 (2019).
- 2018
Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Ozasa K., Miyazaki M., Hosoya M., Akahane K., Yonai S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Sakata R., Kurihara O., Kobashi G., Ohira T., Kamiya K., External dose estimation in an early stage after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident -Lessons learned from behavior surveys using self-administered questionnaires. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 53(2), 100-110 (2018).
Ishikawa T., Matsumoto M., Sato T., Yamaguchi I., Kai M., Internal doses from radionuclides and their health effects following the Fukushima accident. Journal of Radiological Protection 38(4), 1253-1268 (2018).
Kato T., Janik M., Kanda R., Ishikawa T., Kawase M., Kawamoto T., Environmentally Friendly Measurement of Airborne Radon Using a Nonvolatile Liquid Scintillation Absorbent. Health Physics 115(2), 203-211 (2018).
Ohira T., Takahashi H., Yasumura S., Ohtsuru A., Midorikawa S., Suzuki S., Matsuzuka T., Shimura H., Ishikawa T., Sakai A., Yamashita S., Tanigawa K., Ohto H., Kamiya K., Suzuki S., Fukushima Health Management Survey Group., Associations Between Childhood Thyroid Cancer and External Radiation Dose After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Epidemiology 29(4), e32-e34 (2018).
Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Measurement of gamma radiation at junior high school sites in Fukushima City. Radiation Environment and Medicine 7(1), 21-27 (2018).
- 2017
反町篤行, 平尾茂一, Mark Zheleznyak, 浅沼順, 脇山義史, 坂口綾, 恩田裕一, 難波謙二, 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム(SATREPS)「チェルノブイリ災害後の環境管理支援技術の確立」に関するキックオフミーティング報告. 保健物理 52(3), 231-235 (2017.9.).
反町篤行, 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故による一般公衆への初期内部被ばく. エアロゾル研究 32(4), 261-268 (2017).
金野俊太郎, 大河内博, 勝見尚也, 緒方裕子, 片岡淳, 岸本彩, 岩本康弘, 反町篤行, 床次眞司, 福島県の里山における植物, 土壌, 底砂中放射性セシウムの長期変動. 分析化学 66(1), 163-174 (2017.4).
Kurihara O., Kim E., Kunishima N., Tani K., Ishikawa T., Furuyama K., Hashimoto S., Akashi M., Development of a tool for calculating early internal doses in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident based on atmospheric dispersion simulation. EPJ Web of Conferences 153, 08008 (2017).
Zunic Z.S., Stojanovska Z., Veselinovic N., Mishra R., Yarmoshenko I.V., Sapra B.K., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Curguz Z., Bossew P., Udovicic V., Ramola R.C., Indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in high thoron rural Serbia environments. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 177(1-2), 36-39 (2017).
Kunishima N., Kurihara O., Kim E., Ishikawa T., Nakano T., Fukutsu K., Tani K., Furuyama K., Hashimoto S., Hachiya M., Naoi Y., Akashi M., Early intake of radiocesium by residents living near the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant after the accident. Part 2: relationship between internal dose and evacuation behavior in individuals. Health Physics 112(6), 512-525 (2017).
Ishikawa T., A review of studies on thyroid dose estimation after the Fukushima Accident. in: Yamashita S., Thomas G. (eds.), Thyroid Cancer and Nuclear Accidents: Long-term Aftereffects of Chernobyl and Fukushima, Elsevier, London, 135-143 (2017).
Ishikawa T., Takahashi H., Yasumura S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Ohira T., Sakata R., Ozasa K., Akahane K., Yonai S., Kurihara O., Kamiya K., Abe M., Representativeness of individual external doses estimated for one quarter of residents in the Fukushima Prefecture after the nuclear disaster: the Fukushima Health Management Survey. Journal of Radiological Protection 37(3), 584-605 (2017).
Tanaka A., Minami N., Yasuoka Y., Iimoto T., Omori Y., Nagahama H., Muto J., Mukai T., Accurate measurement of indoor radon concentration using a low-volume radon monitor. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 177(3), 324-330 (2017).
Ishikawa T., Radiation doses and associated risk from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: a review of recent publications. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29(2S), 18S-28S (2017).
Omori Y., Tokonami S., Sahoo S.K., Ishikawa T., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Kudo H., Pornnumpa C., Nair R.R.K., Jayalekshmi P.A., Sebastian P., Akiba S., Radiation dose due to radon and thoron progeny inhalation in high-level natural radiation areas of Kerala, India. Journal of Radiological Protection 37(1), 111-126 (2017).
Goto M., Yasuoka Y., Nagahama H., Muto J., Omori Y., Ihara H., Mukai T., Anomalous changes in atmospheric radon concentration before and after the 2011 northern Wakayama Earthquake (Mj 5.5). Radiation Protection Dosimetry 174(3), 412-418 (2017).
- 2016
鶴田治雄, 五十嵐康人, 井上智博, 大河内博, 大原利眞, 梶野瑞王, 兼保直樹, 北和之, 反町篤行, 平木隆年, 堀江洋佑, 森口祐一, 森野悠, 渡邊明, 福島第一原子力発電所事故による放射性物質の大気環境影響調査研究の現状と課題. 大気環境学会誌 51(2), A11-A19 (2016)
Mishra S, Sahoo S.K, Bossew P, Sorimachi A, Tokonami S, Ishikawa T, Vertical migration of radio-caesium derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in undisturbed soils of grass land and forest. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 169, 163–186 (2016)
Suzuki Sh, Suzuki Sa, Fukushima T, Midorikawa S, Shimura H, Matsuzuka T, Ishikawa T, Takahashi H, Ohtsuru A, Sakai A, H osoya M, Yasumura S, Nollet KE, Ohira T, Ohto H, Abe M, Kamiya K, Yamashita S, Comprehensive Survey Results of Childhood Thyroid Ultrasound Examinations in Fukushima in the First Four Years After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Thyroid 26(6), 843-851 (2016).
Kim E, Kurihara O, Kunishima N, Momose T, Ishikawa T, Akashi M, Internal thyroid doses to Fukushima residents -estimation and issues remaining. Journal of Radiation Research 57(S1), i118-i126 (2016).
Kamiya K, Ishikawa T, Yasumura S, Sakai A, Ohira T, Takahashi H, Ohtsuru A, Suzuki S, Hosoya M, Maeda M, Yabe H, Fujimori K, Yamashita S, Ohto H, Abe M, External and internal exposure to Fukushima residents. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 171(1), 7-13 (2016).
Ohira T, Takahashi H, Yasumura S, Ohtsuru A, Midorikawa S, Suzuki S, Fukushima T, Shimura H, Ishikawa T, Sakai A, Yamashita S, Tanigawa K, Ohto H, Abe M, Suzuki S, Comparison of childhood thyroid cancer prevalence among 3 areas based on external radiation dose after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Medicine 95(35), e4472 (2016).
Kim E, Kurihara O, Kunishima N, Nakano T, Tani K, Hachiya M, Momose T, Ishikawa T, Tokonami S, Hosoda M, Akashi M, Early intake of radiocesium by residents living near the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant after the accident. Part 1: Internal doses based on whole-body measurements by NIRS. Health Physics 111(5), 451-464 (2016).
Kato T, Janik M, Kanda R, Ishikawa T, Kawase M, Kawamoto T, Measurement of radon in air using a radon-Po218 calibration curve determined by an absorptive non-volatile liquid scintillator. Radiation Measurements 95, 25-30 (2016).
Pornnumpa C., Iwaoka K., Akata N., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Investigation of absorbed dose rate in air by a car-borne survey in Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 51(2), 115-121 (2016).
Omori Y., Prasad G., Sorimachi A., Sahoo S.K., Ishikawa T., Vidya Sagar D., Ramola R.C., Tokonami S., Long-term measurements of residential radon, thoron, and thoron progeny concentrations around the Chhatrapur placer deposit, a high background radiation area in Odisha, India. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 162-163, 371-378 (2016).
Sahoo S.K., Kavasi N., Sorimachi A., Arae H., Tokonami S., Mietelski J.W., Łokas E., Yoshida S., Strontium-90 activity concentration in soil samples from the exclusion zone of the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant. Scientific Reports 6, 23925 (2016).
Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Akahane K., Yonai S., Sakata R., Ozasa K., Hayashi M., Ohira T., Kamiya K., Abe M., An influential factor for external radiation dose estimation for residents after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident-time spent outdoors for residents in Iitate Village. Journal of Radiological Protection 36(2), 255-268 (2016).
Abe Y., Miura T., Yoshida M.A., Ujiie R., Kurosu Y., Kato N., Katafuchi A., Tsuyama N., Kawamura F., Ohba T., Inamasu T., Shishido F., Noji H., Ogawa K., Yokouchi H., Kanazawa K., Ishida T., Muto S., Ohsugi J., Suzuki H., Ishikawa T., Kamiya K., Sakai A., Analysis of chromosone translocation frequency after a single CT scan in adults. Journal of Radiation Research 57(3), 220-226 (2016).
Sahoo S.K., Kierepko R., Sorimachi A., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Prasad G., Gusain G.S., Ramola R.C., Natural Radioactivity level and elemental comparison of soil samples from a high background radiation area on eastern coast of India (Odisha). Radiation Protection Dosimetry 171(2), 172-178 (2016).
Omori Y., Wakamatsu H., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Radiation survey on Fukushima Medical University premises about four years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Fukushima Journal of Medical Science 62(1), 1-17 (2016).
細田正洋, 井上一雅, 岡 光昭, 大森康孝, 岩岡和輝, 床次眞司, 走行サーベイによる環境放射線レベルの評価-青森県全域における調査概要-. 保健物理 51(1), 27-40 (2016).
(Hosoda et al. (Japanese Journal of Health Phtsics, 2016)の日本語解説論文)Hosoda M., Inoue K., Oka M., Omori Y., Iwaoka K., Tokonami S., Environmental radiation monitoring and external dose estimation in Aomori Prefecture after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 51(1), 41-50 (2016).
Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Iwaoka K., A comparison of the dose from natural radionuclides and artificial radionuclides after the Fukushima nucear accident. Journal of Radiation Research 57(4), 422-430 (2016).
Hosoda M., Ishikawa T., Yasuoka Y., Sahoo S.K., Katoh S., Ogawa M., Ogashiwa S., Iwaoka K., Tokonami S., Estimation of external and internal doses resulting from the use of artificial radon spa sources. Radiation Environment and Medicine 5(1), 46-52 (2016)
Sorimachi A., Janik M., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Ai intercomparison done at NIRS, Japan on continous monitors for measuring 220Rn concentration. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 107, 145-151 (2016).
石川徹夫, 宮崎 真, 福島における外部被ばく個人線量評価とその意義, Isotope News 741, 54-58 (2016).
Omori Y., Nagahama H., Radon as an indicator of nocturnal atmospheric stability: a simplified theoretical approach. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 158(2), 351-359 (2016).
- 2015
大谷吉生, 小島知子, 並木則和, 諏訪好英, 飯田健次郎, 田島奈穂子, 和田匡司, 反町篤行, 中山智喜, 藤谷雄二, 黒木智之, 宗村大樹, 濱大祐, 白鳥雄大, 鍵直樹, 第9回アジアエアロゾル会議参加報告. エアロゾル研究 30, 209–217 (2015)
真田哲也, 反町篤行, ラドン測定器の校正およびラドン研究に関する英国公衆衛生庁(PHE)訪問記. 保健物理 50(4), 227–232 (2015)
反町篤行, 大森康孝, 床次眞司, ラドン測定のトレーサビリティとラドン測定器の校正に関するドイツ連邦放射線防護庁(BfS)渡航記. 保健物理 50, 103–110 (2015).
Shiroma Y, Hosoda M, Ishikawa T, Sahoo SK, Tokonami S, Furukawa M, Estimation of radon emanation coefficient for representative soils in Okinawa, Japan. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 167(1-3), 147-150 (2015).
Ćurguz Z., Stojanovska Z., Žunić Z.S., Kolarž P., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Mishra R., Sapra B.K., Vaupotič J., Ujič P., Bossew P., Long-term measurements of radon, thoron and their airborne progeny in 25 schools in Republic of Srpska. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 148, 163-169 (2015).
Inamasu T., Schonfeld S.J., Abe M., Bidstrup P.E., Deltour I., Ishida T., Ishikawa T., Kesminiene A., Ohira T., Ohto H., Suzuki S., Thierry-Chef I., Yabe H., Yasumura S., Schuz J., Yamashita S., Meeting report: suggestions for studies on future health risks following the Fukushima accident. Environmental Health 14, 26 (2015).
Terashima S., Abe A., Kasai Y., Kawamura T., Kitaya T., Kubo K., Sakata S., Sugisawa H., Narita M., Hattori M., Masuda D., Iwaoka K., Hosoda M., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., A comparison study of commercially available survey meters for measurement of gamma-rays. Radiation Emergency Medicine 4(2), 29-34 (2015).
Abe Y., Miura T., Yoshida M.A., Ujiie R., Kurosu Y., Kato N., Katafuchi A., Tsuyama N., Ohba T., Inamasu T., Shishido F., Noji H., Ogawa K., Yokouchi H., Kanazawa K., Ishida T., Muto S., Ohsugi J., Suzuki H., Ishikawa T., Kamiya K., Sakai A., Increase in dicentric chromosome formation after a single CT scan in adults. Scientific Reports 5, 13882 (2015).
Hasegawa A., Tanigawa K., Ohtsuru A., Yabe H., Maeda M., Shigemura J., Ohira T., Tominaga T., Akashi M., Hirohashi N., Ishikawa T., Kamiya K., Yamashita S., Chhem R.K., Health effects of radiation and other health problems in the aftermath of nuclear accident, with an emphasis on Fukushima. The Lancet 386(9992), 479-488 (2015).
Tan Y., Ishikawa T., Janik M., Tokonami S., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Kearfott K., Novel method for estimation of the indoor-to-outdoor airborne radioactivity ratio following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Science of the Total Environment 536, 25-30 (2015).
林 正幸, 安村誠司, 小橋 元, 赤羽恵一, 米内俊祐, 大津留 晶, 坂井 晃, 坂田 律, 小笹晃太郎, 石川徹夫, 神谷研二, 阿部正文, 「福島県県民健康調査」における被ばく線量推計に関する研究 ―簡易版問診票の妥当性について―, 福島医学雑誌 65(4), 149-161 (2015).
Ishikawa T., Yasumura S., Ozasa K., Kobashi G., Yasuda H., Miyazaki M., Akahane K., Yonai S., Ohtsuru A., Sakai A., Sakata R., Kamiya K., Abe M., The Fukushima Health Management Survey: estimation of external doses to residents in Fukushima Prefecture, Scientific Reports 5, 12712 (2015).
Omori Y., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Akata N., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Pornnumpa C., Wanabongse P., Kudo H., Hu Y.-J., Ao Y.-X., Li X.-L., Li K., Fu Y.-H., Sun Q.-F., Akiba S., A pilot study for dose evaluation in high-level natural radiation areas of Yangjiang, China, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 306(1), 317-323 (2015).
Janik M., Omori Y., Yonehara H., Influence of humidity on radon and thoron exhalation rates from building materials. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 95, 102-107 (2015).
Mori Y., Omori Y., Yoshimura H., Maeda A., Yamamoto M., Nishinaka T., Ishikawa T., Wakabayashi A., Yasuoka Y., Measuring radon in high humidity air using anhydrous calcium sulfate and an activated charcoal detector. Journal of Hot Spring Sciences 64(4), 402-408 (2015).
Kobayashi Y., Yasuoka Y., Omori Y., Nagahama H., Sanada T., Muto J., Suzuki T., Homma Y., Ihara H., Kubota K., Mukai T., Annual variation in the atmospheric radon concentration in Japan. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 146, 110-118 (2015).
Yajima K., Ohmachi Y., Takada M., Omori Y., Kurihara O., Akahane K., Kim E., Torikoshi M., Yonehara H., Yoshida S., Sakai K., Akashi M., Estimating annual individual doses for evacuees returning home to areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident. Health Physics 109(2), 122-133 (2015).
Iwaoka K., Hosoda M., Suwankot N., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Yonehara H., Tokonami S., Natural radioactivity and radon exhalation rates in man-made tiles used as building materials in Japan. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 167(1-3), 135-138 (2015).
Kudo H., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Iwaoka K., Sahoo S.K., Akata N., Hosoda M., Wanabongse P., Pornnumpa C., Sun Q., Li X., Akiba S., Comparative dosimetry for radon and thoron in high background radiation areas in China. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 167(1-3), 155-159 (2015).
Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Kranrod C., Ishikawa T., Preliminary experiments of passive detector for measuring indoor 220Rn progeny concentrations using an aerosol chamber. Health Physics 108(6), 597–606 (2015).
Kávási N., Sahoo S.K., Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Aono T., Yoshida S., Measurement of 90Sr in soil samples affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 303(3), 2565-2570 (2015).
Kavasi N., Sahoo S.K., Arae H., Yoshida S., Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Measurement of 90Sr in contaminated Fukushima soils using liquid scintillation counter. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 167(1-3), 376-379 (2015).
Pornnumpa C., Tokonami S., Sorimachi A., Kranrod C., Characteristics of indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dwelling while using air appliances. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 167(1-3), 87-91 (2015).
Mishra S., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Distribution and retention of Cs radioisotopes in soil affected by Fukushima nuclear plant accident. Journal of Soils and Sediments 15(2), 374–380 (2015).
Hayashi K., Yasuoka Y., Nagahama H., Muto J., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Suzuki T., Homma Y., Mukai T., Normal seasonal variations for atmospheric radon concentration: a sinusoidal model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 139, 149–153 (2015).
Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Sahoo S.K., Akiba S., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Nair R.R., Jayalekshmi P.A., Sebastian P., Iwaoka K., Akata N, Kudo H., Estimation of External Dose by Car-Borne Survey in Kerala, India. PloS ONE 10(4), e0124433. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124433 (2015).
Shiroma Y., Hosoda M., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Tokonami S., Furukawa M., Characteristics of the environmental radon and thoron in Minamidaito-jima, a comparatively high background radiation island in Japan, Radiation Emergency Medicine 4(1), 27–33 (2015).
Mishra S., Sahoo S.K., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Variability of radiocesium inventory in Fukushima soil cores from one site measured at different times. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 167(1-3), 344-347 (2015).
- 2014
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Hosoda M., Fukui Y., Pomnumpa C., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Yachi M., Nara A., Yokota H., Tokonami S., Absorbed dose rate in air at the Bunkyo-cho campus of Hirosaki University. Radiation Emergency Medicine 3, 59–62 (2014).
Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Performance tests of humidity control system in the 220Rn chamber. Radiation Emergency Medicine 3(2), 24–30 (2014).
Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Development of an aerosol chamber for calibration of 220Rn progeny detectors. Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 095104-1–095104-7 (2014).
Kavasi N., Vigh T., Nemeth C., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Janik M., Yonehara H., In situ comparison of passive radon-thoron discriminative monitors at subsurface workplaces in Hungary. Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 022002 (2014).
Janik M., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Kavasi N.: Radon and thoron intercomparison experiments for integrated monitors at NIRS, Japan. Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 022001 (2014).
Ishikawa T., Sorimachi A., Arae H., Sahoo S.K., Janik M., Hosoda M, Tokonami S., Simultaneous sampling of indoor and outdoor airborne radioactivity after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Environmental Science and Technology 48(4), 2430–2435 (2014).
Gulan L., Zunic Z.S., Milic G., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Vuckovic B., Nikezic D., Krstic D., Bossew P., First step of indoor thoron mapping of Kosovo and Metohija. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 162(1-2), 157–162 (2014).
Mishra R., Zunic Z.S., Venoso G., Bochicchio F., Stojanovska Z., Carpentieri C., Prajith R., Sapra B.K., Mayya Y.S., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Veselinovic N., Tollefsen T., Ujić P., Bossew P.: An evaluation of thoron (and radon) equilibrium factor close to walls based on long-term measurements in dwellings. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 160, 164–168 (2014).
Yasuoka Y., Mori Y., Murakami K., Kobayashi Y., Ohnuma S., Takizawa H., Ishikawa T., Mukai T., Experimental demonstration with an acceptable range of radon leak for measurement of radon in water by a liquid scintillation counter using larger than usual samples. Radiation Emergency Medicine 3, 39–42 (2014).
Tajika Y., Yasuoka Y., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Mori Y., Mukai T., Effect of desiccant on the measurement of radon concentration in air. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 49, 190–193 (2014).
- 2013
Somlai J., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Mishra R., Sapra B.K., Mayya Y.S., Tokonami S., Csordás A., Kovács T., 2013, Indoor radon and thoron survey in Hungary (comparison of track etched detectors), Proceedings of 7th Hungarian Radon Forum and Radon in Environment Satellite Workshop, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, Pannonian University Press, Veszprém, 105-113.
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Nalaka D.S., Prasad M., Nimalsiri T.B., Suriyaarchchi N.B., Iimoto T., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Dissanayake C.B., 2013, Measuring radon and thoron levels in Sri Lanka, Advanced Materials Research, 718-720, 721-724.
Janik M., Tokonami S., Kranrod C., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Hosoda M., McLaughlin J., Chang B.-U., Kim Y.-J., Comparative analysis of radon, thoron and thoron progeny concentration measurements. Jourmal of Radiation Research 54, 597–610 (2013).
Sahoo S.K., Hosoda M., Prasad G., Takahashi H., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Uchida S., Naturally occurring radionuclides and rare earth elements in weathered Japanese soil samples. Acta Geophysica 61(4), 876–885 (2013).
Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Tazoe H., Sorimachi A., Monzen S., Osanai M., Akata N., Kakiuchi H., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Kovács T., Yamada M., Nakata A., Yoshida M., Yoshino H., Mariya Y., Kashiwakura I., Activity concentrations of environmental samples collected in Fukushima Prefecture immediately after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Scientific Reports 3, 2283; DOI: 10.1038/srep02283 (2013).
Yoshino H., Obara H.,Maeda T., Yamada A., Watanabe K., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., An investigation of gamma-ray dose rate in the central area of Hirosaki City, Japan. Radiation Emergency Medicine 2, 72–76 (2013).
Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Akiba S., Kurihara O., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Momose T., Nakano T., Mariya Y., Kashiwakura I., Estimation of internal exposure of the thyroid to 131I on the basis of 134C accumulated in the body among evacuees of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident. Environment International 61, 73–76 (2013).
Iwaoka K., Hosoda M., Tabe H., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Yonehara H, Activity concentration of natural radionuclides and radon and thoron exhalation rates in rocks used as decorative wall coverings in Japan. Health Physics 104(1), 41-50 (2013).
Iwaoka K., Tabe H., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Yonehara H., Occupational exposure to Austrian rocks used as radon spa sources in Japan. Radiation Emergency Medicine, 2(2), 23-26 (2013).
Iwaoka K., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Yonehara H.: Mitigation effects of radon decay products by air cleaner. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 295(1), 639-642 (2013).
Mori Y., Murata S., Yoshimura H., Maeda A., Sawada Y., Shimura K., Yamaguchi T., Tajika Y., Ishikawa T., Yasuoka Y., Determination of Radon Concentration in Air Using a Liquid Scintillation Counter and an Activated Charcoal Detector. Journal of Hot Spring Science 62, 306-317 (2013).
Tajika Y., Yasuoka Y., Nagahama H., Suzuki T., Homma Y., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Mukai T., Janik M., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Radon concentration of outdoor air: measured by an ionization chamber for radioisotope monitoring system at radioisotope institute. Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry 295(3), 1709–1714 (2013).
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