福島県立医科大学 医学部 放射線物理化学講座



  1. Kasar S., Kavasi N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sahoo S.K. Fate of Cs, Sr and U in soils affected by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. online(2020.8.13)(口頭発表)

  2. Kavasi N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Shozugawa K., Hori M., Sahoo S.K. Sr-90 analysis in Fukushima water samples VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. online(2020.8.13)(口頭発表)

  3. Rajamanickam M., Kavasi N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Aono T., Sahoo S.K. Uranium isotope ratios and Sr-90 in Fukushima radiocaesium contaminated soil samples VII. Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment. International Conference on Environmental Protection. online(2020.8.13)(口頭発表)

  1. Ohba T, Hasegawa A, Ishikawa T, Suzuki G., The proportion of evacuees with multiple plume exposures judging from the random sampled evacuation behavioral questionnaire records of less than 19 years old subjects after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. 64th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society and Conference on Radiation & Health. Chicago, USA. (2018.9).

  2. Furukawa M, Omori Y, Shingaki R, Masuda N, Obata M, Tamakuma Y, Suzuki T, Nakasone S, Ishimine A, Hosoda M, Akata N, Tokonami S., High indoor radon concentration observed in Yomitan-son, Okinawa prefecture, southwestern part of Japan. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  3. Sorimachi A, Tokonami S, Omori Y, Janik M, Iwaoka K, Ishikawa T, Sun Q., Characteristics of indoor radon and thoron in cave dwellings in Gansu Province, China. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  4. Sahoo S.K, Tokonami S, Ishikawa T, Sorimachi A, Omori Y, Hosoda M, Ramola R.C., Naturally occurring radionuclides and selected rare earth elements in air particulates of an Indian high radiation background area. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  5. Omori Y, Inoue S, Otsuka T, Nagamatsu Y, Sorimachi A, Ishikawa T., Reduction of ambient gamma dose rate from radiocesium due to snow cover. 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts. Hirosaki, Japan. (2018.9). (ポスター発表)

  6. Omori Y., Recent progress in the Fukushima nuclear issue: dose evaluation for Fukushima residents. 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection. Melbourne, Australia. (2018.5). (口頭発表)

  7. Omori Y, Sorimachi A, Ishikawa T., Sturcture shieldng for school buildings against fallout gamma radiation from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection. Melbourne, Australia. (2018.5). (口頭発表)

  8. Furukawa M, Shingaki R, Masuda N, Nakasone S, Omori Y, Hosoda M, Tokonami S, Akata N., High indoor radon concentration observed in Okinawa, southwestern part of Japan. VI. Terrestrial Radionuclides in Environment International Conference on Environmental Protection, Veszprém, Hungary. (2018.5). (ポスター発表)

  1. Kasar S., Sahoo S.K., Kavasi N., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Omori Y., Aono T., Sorption characteristics of Cesium, Strontium and Uranium in Fukushima contaminated soil samples. 16th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration 2017), Barcelona, Spain (2017.9). (ポスター発表)

  1. Kierepko R, Sorimachi A, Tokonami S, Sahoo S.K, Traces of Pu isotopes originated from burnt-up fuel in Fukushima exclusion zone. Plutonium Futures-­ The Science 2016, Baden, Germany (2016.9)

  2. Igarashi Y, Kita K, Kinase T, Maki T, Takenaka C, Kajino M, Adachi K, Ishizuka M, Sekiyama T, Zaizen Y, Ninomiya K, Okochi H, Sorimachi A, Novel hypothesis for Fukushima re-suspension: Biological processes. The 2016 European Aerosol Conference,Paris,France (2016.9)

  3. Kierepko R, Arae H, Sorimachi A, Sahoo S.K, Determination of Pu isotopes in soil samples affected by FDNPP accident. The 32nd IARP International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016), Tamilnadu, India (2016.2).

  4. Kurihara O, Kim E, Kunishima N, Tani K, Ishikawa T, Furuyama K, Hashimoto S, Akashi M, Development of a tool for calculating early internal doses in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident based on atmospheric dispersion simulation. 13th International Conference on Radiation Shielding – Radiation Protection & Shielding Division Topical Meeting 2016 of American Nuclear Society, Paris, France (2016.10).(口頭発表)

  5. Žunić Z.S., Stojanovska Z., Vaselinovic R., Mishra R., Sapra B.K., Ishikawa T., Omori Y., Ćurguz Z., Ramola R.C., Indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in high thoron rural Serbia environments. 8th International Conference on Protection against Radon at Home and Work, Prague, Czech Republic (2016.9.).(ポスター発表)

  1. Ćurguz Z, Stojanovska Z, Žunić Z.S, Kolarž P, Ishikawa T, Omori Y, Mishra R, Sapra B.K, Vaupotič J, Ujič P, Bossew P, Long-term measurements of radon, thoron and their airborne progeny in 25 schools in Republic of Srpska. 2nd International Conference “Radon in the Environment 2015”,Krakow, Poland (2015.5). (口頭発表)

  2. Sorimachi A, Haraguchi M, Shimada I, Sakamoto K, Ishikawa T, Tokonami S, Dry deposition flux measurements of nanometer-size particles using the relaxed eddy accumulation technique. The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference, Kanazawa, Japan (2015.6).(口頭発表)

  3. Sorimachi A, Dosimetry and dose evaluation for inhalation of radon and thoron in high background radiation areas. The 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR2015), Kyoto, Kyoto (2015.5). (口頭発表)

  4. Pornnumpa C, Tokonami S, Sorimachi A, Kranrod C, Iwaoka K, Sahoo S.K, Hosoda M, Akiba S, Development of cascade impactor sampler for particle size distribution of radioactive aerosols. The 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR2015), Kyoto, Kyoto (2015.5).(ポスター発表)

  5. Ishikawa T, Difficulties in dose estimation for residents in Fukushima Health Management Survey and other surveys. Train the Trainers Workshop on Medical Physics Support for Nuclear or Radiological Emergencies, Fukushima, Japan (2015.6).(口頭発表)

  6. Sorimachi A, Haraguchi M, Shimada I, Sakamoto K, Ishikawa T, Tokonami S, Dry deposition flux measurements of nanometer-size particles using the relaxed eddy accumulation technique. 2015 Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC 2015), Kanazawa, Japan (2015.6).(ポスター発表)

  7. 石川徹夫, 宮崎真, 安村誠司, 大津留晶, 坂井晃, 赤羽恵一, 米内俊祐, 大平哲也, 神谷研二, 阿部正文, 事故後初期と復興期における外部被ばく線量の評価. 福島の復興に向けての放射線対策に関するこれからの課題, 福島県福島市 (2015.5).(口頭発表)

  8. Kurihara O, Kim E, Tani K, Ishikawa T, Kunishima N, Yajima K, Fujibayashi Y, Akashi M, Current status of the reconstruction of early internal doses to Fukushima residents after the nuclear disaster. 15th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR 2015), Satellite Workshop, Kyoto, Japan (2015.5).(口頭発表)

  1. Ćurguz Z, Stojanovska Z, Ujić P, Nađđerđ L, Tollefsen T, Vaupotic J, Kolarž P, Bochicchio F, Carpentieri C, Venoso G, Mishra R, Prajith R, Sapra B.K, Mayya Y.S, Ishikawa T, Omori Y, Nikezić D, Bossew P, Žunić Z.S, Assessment of nuclear track detectors exposure in schools of Banja Luka city, Republic of Srpska. Second East European Radon Symposium, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia (2014.5). (ポスター発表)

  2. Ćurguz Z, Stojanovska Z, Ishikawa T, Omori Y, Mishra R, Prajith R, Sapra B.K, Mayya Y.S, Bochicchio F, Carpentieri C, Tollefsen T, Jovanovič P, Venoso G, Kolarž P, Bossew P, Žunić Z.S, Variability of radon and thoron equilibrium factors close to the wall in indoor environments of Banja Luka city (Republika Srpska). Second East European Radon Symposium, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia (2014.5). (ポスター発表)

  3. Janik M, Omori Y, Yonehara H, Influence of environmental conditions on radon and thoron exhalation rate from building materials. Second East European Radon Symposium, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia (2014.5). (ポスター発表)

  4. Omori Y, Shimo M, Janik M, Ishikawa T, Yonehara H, Infiltration of thoron into a passive diffusion radon monitor in natural environment. Second East European Radon Symposium, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia (2014.5). (ポスター発表)

  5. Omori Y, Shimo M, Janik M, Tabe H, Ishikawa T, Yonehara H, Covariance structure analysis for outdoor, indoor and underfloor radon concentration. 12th International Workshop on the Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping, Hotel DAP, Prague, Czech Republic (2014.9). (ポスター発表)

  6. Tanaka A, Yasuoka Y, Iimoto T, Omori Y, Mukai T,Determination of radon conversion factor for exhaust monitor at radioisotope institute. The 9th International Symposium on Natural Radiation Environment, Hirosaki Aomori Japan (2014.9). (ポスター発表)

  7. Omori Y, Shimo M, Janik M, Tabe H, Ishikawa T, Yonehara H, Measurement of indoor, outdoor and underfloor radon concentrations in a Japanese dwelling. The 9th International Symposium on Natural Radiation Environment, Hirosaki Aomori Japan (2014.9). (ポスター発表)

  8. Ishikawa T, A review of dose estimation studies conducted after the Fukushima accident. The 9th international symposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9), Aomori, Japan (2014.9).(口頭発表)

  9. Ishikawa T, Yasumura Y, Ohtsuru A, Sakai A, Ohira T, Kamiya K, Abe M, The Basic Survey: estimation of external doses to residents in Fukushima Prefecture. The 3rd International Expert Symposium in Fukushima: Beyond radiation and health risk-Toward resilience and recovery, Fukushima, Japan (2014.9).(口頭発表)

  10. Ishikawa T, Yasumura S, Ohtsuru A, Sakai A, Kamiya K, Abe M, Basic survey: external dose estimation. International Workshop on Radiation and Thyroid Cancer, Tokyo, Japan (2014.2).(口頭発表)

  11. 反町篤行, 床次眞司, 大森康孝, 石川徹夫, トロン-エアロゾルチャンバーを用いたパッシブ型トロン子孫核種濃度モニタに関する研究. 日本保健物理学会第46回研究発表会, 岡山県苫田郡 (2014.6.).(口頭発表)

  12. Shiroma Y., Kina S., Fujitani T., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Sahoo S.K., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Furukawa M., In situ measurement of radon exhalation rate in Okinawa, Japan. The 4th Asian and Oceanic Congress on Radiation Protection Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2014.5.).(ポスター発表)

  13. Pornnumpa C., Tokonami S., Sorimachi A., Kranrod C., Hosoda M., Hozumi W., The development of an impactor sampler for dose assessment due to inhaled radioactive aerosols. The 4th International Conference on Terrestrial Radionuclides in Environment, Veszprém, Hungary (2014.5.).

  14. Tokonami S., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Kudo H., Pornnumpa C., Wanabongse P., Akiba S., Comprehensive dose assessment for residents in high background radiation areas in India and China. The 4th International Conference on Terrestrial Radionuclides in Environment, Veszprém, Hungary (2014.5.).(口頭発表)

  15. Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Reduction factor of public schools in Fukushima city. The 4th International Conference on Terrestrial Radionuclides in Environment, Veszprém, Hungary (2014.5.).(口頭発表)

  16. Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Indoor and outdoor concentrations of airborne radionuclides after the Fukushima nuclear accident. The 4th International Conference on Terrestrial Radionuclides in Environment, Veszprém, Hungary (2014.5.)(口頭発表)

  17. Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Sorimachi A., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Investigation of indoor radon concentration at temporary houses in Fukushima Prefecture after the Fukushima nuclear accident. The 2nd East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS). Nis, Serbia (2014.5.).(ポスター発表)

  18. Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Omori Y., Thoron and its progeny in high background radiation areas. The 2nd East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS). Nis, Serbia (2014.5.).(口頭発表)

  19. Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Performance of the thoron chamber as the radioactive aerosol chamber. The 2nd East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS). Nis, Serbia (2014.5.).(口頭発表)

  20. Tokonami S., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Kudo H., Iwaoka K., Akata N., Pornnumpa C., Wanabongse P., Akiba S., Radon and thoron in high background radiation areas, India and China. The 8th International Conference on High Levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas. Prague, Czech Republic (2014.9.).(口頭発表)

  21. Sorimachi A., Haraguchi M., Sakamoto K., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Flux measurements of nanometer-size particles using unattached radon decay products. The 12th International Workshop on the Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping. Prague, Czech Republic (2014.9.).(口頭発表)

  22. Kudo H., Tokonami S., Akata N., Sahoo S.K., Hosoda M., Omori Y., Wanabongse P., Pornnumpa C., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Akiba S., Dose estimation of residents in high background radiation areas – correlation between radon concentration and thoron concentration. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(ポスター発表)

  23. Iwaoka K., Hosoda M., Suwankot N., Omori Y., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Yonehara H., Tokonami S., Natural radioactivity and radon exhalation rate in man-made tiles used as building materials in Japan. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(ポスター発表)

  24. Hosoda M., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Sorimachi A., Yasuoka Y., Janik M., Katoh S., Ogashiwa S., Omori Y., Iwaoka K., Tokonami S., Estimation of external and internal doses resulting from the use of artificial radon spa sources. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(ポスター発表)

  25. Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Sahoo S.K., Akiba S., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Nair R.R., Jayalekshmi P., Sebastian P., Kudo H., Iwaoka K., Estimation of external dose by car-borne survey in Kerala, India. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(口頭発表)

  26. Mishra S., Arae H., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Estimation of uranium and cesium radio isotopes in undisturbed soil affected by Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident and their mobility based on distribution coefficient and soil properties. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(口頭発表)

  27. Pornnumpa C., Tokonami S., Sorimachi A., Kranrod C., Characteristics of indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dwelling. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(口頭発表)

  28. Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Janik M., Ishikawa T., An intercomparison for thoron gas activity concentration measurements. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(ポスター発表)

  29. Sorimachi A., Tokonami S., Omori Y., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Preliminary measureemnts of indoor radon and thoron concentrations in high background radiation area of Kerala, India. The 9th international sysmposium of Natural Radiation Environment (NRE9). Aomori, Japan. (2014.9.).(ポスター発表)

  30. Kuroshima H., Ogata H., Okochi H., Tokonami S., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Kataoka J., Distribution and behavior of the radioactive cesium deposited in a small forest, satoyama at Namie Town, Fukushima Prefecture. International Conference on Asian Environmental Chemistry, Bangkok, Thailand (2014.11.).(ポスター発表)

  1. Nakamura S, Hayashi K, Yasuoka Y, Nagahama H, Muto J, Omori Y, Ishikawa T, Suzuki T, Homma Y, Ihara H, Mukai T, Sinusoidal model for the annual variation of atmospheric radon concentration in Japan. The 2nd Workshop of Asia-Pacific Region Global Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Risk Management, Sendai, Japan (2013.10).(ポスター発表)

  2. Ishikawa T, Dose estimation as a part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey. IARC-FMU joint workshop, Fukushima, Japan (2013.10).(口頭発表)

  3. Janik M, Ishikawa T, Yonehara H, RADIF- NIRS system for measurement of radon diffusion in membranes. 7th conference of protection against radon at home and at work, Prague, Czech Republic (2013.9).(ポスター発表)

  4. Zunic ZS, Stojanovskac Z, Carpentieri C, Venoso G, Bochicchio F, Ishikawa T, Omori Y, Veselinovic N, Bossew P, Prajitha R, Sapraa BK, Mayya YS, Tollefsen T, Mishra R, An evaluation of thoron (and radon) equilibrium factor close to walls based on long-term measurements in dwellings. 7th conference of protection against radon at home and at work, Prague, Czech Republic (2013.9).(口頭発表)

  5. Tokonami S., Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Kurihara O., Akiab S., Estimation of the thyroid dose due to I-131 uptake using radiocesium activity by WBC. The second NIRS symposium on reconstruction of early internal dose due to the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident. Tokyo, Japan (2013.1.).(口頭発表)

  6. Omori Y., Prasad G., Sagar V., Sahoo S.K., Sorimachi A., Janik M., Tokonami S., Ramola R.C., Thoron equilibrium factors based on long-term measurements of thoron and its progenyconcentration around a high background radiation area in Orissa, India. 7th Hungarian Radon Forrum and Raodn in Environment Satelit Workshop. Veszprém, Hungary (2013.5.).(口頭発表)

  7. Sorimachi A., Aerosol particle fluxes above a tropical forest in Thailand, International Workshop on Atmospheric Deposition in East Asia 2013. Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand (2013.7.).(口頭発表)

  8. Mishra S., Sorimachi A., Hosoda M., Tokonami T., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Effect of soil parameters on sorption properties of actinides and fission products: Depth profile sidtribution of fall out radionuclides in soil affected by Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. The 14th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geoshpere, Brighton, UK (2013.9.).(口頭発表)

  9. Hosoda M., Sorimachi A., Ishikawa T., Sahoo S.K., Ohmori Y., Shiroma Y., Furukawa M., Tokonami S., Radon and thoron atoms generated in soil as the radioactive aerosol particles source. The 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, Sydney, Australia (2013.12.).(ポスター発表)

  10. Sahoo S.K., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Sorimachi A., Omori Y., Yonehara H., Ramola R.C., Naturally occurring radionuclides in NORM samples around a high radiation background area in India. The 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, Sydney, Australia (2013.12.).(口頭発表)

  11. Sorimachi A., Matsuda K., Chanonmuang P., Ishikawa T., Tokonami S., Khummongkol P., Measurements of aerosol particle fluxes above a tropical forest in Thailand. The 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, Sydney, Australia (2013.12.).(ポスター発表)