
396麻酔科医が広域災害に果たす役割手術部と災害対策 日本手術医学会ホームページhttp://jaom.umin.ne.Jp/new1001024.html4)本学敷地内の外気放射線リアルタイム計測値福島県立医科大学ホームページhttp://www.fmu.ac.jp/home/lib/radiation/large_image.html5)大越真紀子,北本憲永,鈴木克尚,他:手術室におけるME機器の耐震固定.日本手術医学会誌2007;2:212-56)藤岡 斉:手術部の安全管理新潟県中越地震の災害医療を経験して.日本手術医学会誌2006;27:281-47)福本さよ子,西川幸範,長崎功美:岐阜県内の手術室災害対策の現状.看護総合2010;40:243-58)花木美保,深澤知子,里内正樹:手術室避難訓練実施による災害(火災)に対する意識の変化.看護総合2006;37:45-79)伊藤朋子,鳥海雄好,上村綾子,他・術中,災害を想定した定期的避難訓練の効果.秋田県農村医学界雑誌2007;53:41-3The Disaster of March 11 and AnesthesiologistsThe Role of Anesthesiologist in University Hospital PreparingAgainst the DisasterMasahiro MURAKAWA, Tsuyoshi ISOSU,Hiroshi IIDA and Chiaki NEMOTO The Great East Japan earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 brought serious damage by the huge tsunami which followed major earthquake. Furthermore, radioactive contamination spread by an accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant, and many inhabitants were forced to refuge. At Fukushima Medical University Hospital, we, anesthesiologists acted just after an earthquake occurrence for the ensuring safety of the patients during anesthesia and maintained the preparation for acceptance of a victim particularly the seriously ill patient afterwards. Furthermore, as second radiation exposure medical facilities, we main-tained decontamination, the treatment system of radiation exposure, injury workers in the nuclear power plant. Based on this experience,it will be necessary to maintain the emergency medical system, education of the disaster medicine, the training system at a disaster of the prefecture not to mention the in-hospital system.Key words : Anesthesiologist, Disaster, University hospital(J Clin Anesth (Jpn) 2011;35;1760-6)Department of Anesthesiology,Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine


