


  1. 1. Ohira T, Shimura H, Hayashi F, Nagao M, Yasumura S, Takahashi H, Suzuki S, Matsuzuka T, Suzuki S, Iwadate M, Ishikawa T, Sakai A, Suzuki S,Nollet KE, Yokoya S, Ohto H, Kamiya K, and for the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. Absorbed Radiation Doses in the Thyroid as Estimated by UNSCEAR and Subsequent Risk of Childhood Thyroid Cancer following the Great East Japan Earthquake. J Rad Res, in press, 2020.
  2. 2. Ma E, Ohira T, Sakai A, Yasumura S, Takahashi A, Kazama J, Shimabukuro M, Nakano H, Okazaki K, Maeda M, Yabe H, Suzuki Y, Kamiya K. Dietary patterns associated with cardiometabolic risks in Japan: the Fukushima Health Management Survey, 2011-2015. Nutrients, 12(1). pii: E129. doi: 10.3390/nu12010129, 2020.
  3. 3. Tezuka K, Kubota Y, Ohira T, Shimizu Y, Shirai K, Okada T, Yamagishi Y, Imano H, Kiyama M, Iso H. Anger expression and risk of cardiovascular disease in urban and rural Japanese residents: the Circulatory Risk in Community Study (CIRCS). Psychosom Med, 82(2):215-223, 2020.
  4. 4. Sakai A, Nakano H, Ohira T, Maeda M, Okazaki K, Takahashi A, Kawasaki Y, Satoh H, Ohtsuru A, Shimabukuro M, Kazama J, Hashimoto S, Hosoya M, Yasumura S, Yabe H, Ohto H, Kamiya K, for the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. Relationship between the prevalence of polycythemia and factors observed in the Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Medicine, 99(1);e18486, 2020.
  5. 5. Takahashi A, Ohira T, Okazaki K, Yasumura S, Sakai A, Maeda M, Yabe H, Hosoya M, Ohtsuru A, Kawasaki Y, Shimabukuro M, Kazama J, Hashimoto S, Watanabe K, Nakano H, Hayashi H, Ohto H, Kamiya K, Ohira H. Effects of psychological and lifestyle factors on metabolic syndrome following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: The Fukushima Health Management Survey. Journal Atheroscler Thromb, in press, 2020.
  6. 6. Ebihara K, Yamagishi K, Umesawa M, Muraki I, Cui R, Imano H, Kubota Y, Hayama-Terada M, Shimizu Y, Ohira T, Sankai T, Okada T, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Iso H, for the CIRCS Investigators. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and risk of incident stroke among Japanese: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study. Journal Atheroscler Thromb, in press, 2020.
  7. 7. Hayashi F, Sanpei M, Ohira T, Nakano H, Okazaki K, Yasumura S, Nakajima S, Yabe H, Suzuki Y, Kamiya K; Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. Changes in the mental health status of adolescents following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident and related factors: Fukushima Health Management Survey. J Affect Disord. ;260:432-439, 2020.
  8. 8. Hirokawa K, Ohira T, Kajiura M, Imano H, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Okada T, Iso H,Cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress associated with sickness absence among Japanese men and women: A prospective study. Brain and Behavior, in press, 2020.
  9. 9. Kawasaki Y; Hosoya M; Nakano H; Yasumura S; Ohira T; Satoh H; Sakai A; Ohtsuru A; Takahashi A; Kobashi G; Kamiya K; Suzuki H. Influence of post-disaster evacuation on childhood obesity and hyperlipidemia. Pediatt Int, in press, 2020.
  10. 10. Li J, Muraki I, Imano H, Cui R, Yamagishi K, Umesawa M, Hayama-Terada M, Ohira T, Kiyama M, Okada T, Sankai T, Tanigawa T, Kitamura A, Iso H, and for CIRCS investigators. Serum Uric Acid and Risk of Stroke and Its Types: the Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Hypertens Res, in press, 2020.
  11. 11. Kanazawa K, Iwai-Takano M, Kimura S, Ohira T. Blood consentration of Tacrolimus and age predict Tacrolimus-induced left ventricular dysfunction after bone marrow transplantation in adulsts. J Med Ultrasonics, 47(1):97-105, 2020.
  12. 12. Ikeda S, Ikeda A, Yamagishi K, Hori M, Kubo S, Sata M, Okada C, Umesawa M, Sankai T, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Ohira T, Tanigawa T, Iso H. Longitudinal Trends in Blood Pressure Associated with the Frequency of Laughter: Longitudinal Study of Japanese General Population: the Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). J Epidemiol, in press, 2020.
  13. 13. Nagao M, Kobashi G, Umesawa M, Cui R, Yamagishi K, Imano H, Okada T, Kiyama M, Kitamura A, Sairenchi T, Haruyama Y, Ohira T, Iso H. Urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine levels and cardiovascular disease incidence in Japan. Journal Atheroscler Thromb, in press, 2020.
  14. 14. Ma E, Ohira T, Nakano H, Maeda M, Yabe H, Sakai A, Yasumura S, Kamiya K. Dietary pattern changes in Fukushima residents after the Great East Japan Earthquake: The Fukushima Health Management Survey 2011-2013. Public Health Nutr, in press, 2020.
  15. 15. Tsuboi S, Mine T, Kanke S, Ohira T. Who needs care? - The long-term trends and geographical distribution of deaths due to acute myocardial infarction in Fukushima Prefecture following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Int J Disaster Risk Reduction in press, 2020.
  16. 16. Ishikawa T, Yasumura S, Akahane K, Yonai S, Ohtsuru A, Sakai A, Ohira T, Kamiya K. Age dependence of individual external doses in an early stage after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. Dec 26. pii: ncz281. doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncz281, 2019.
  17. 17. Zhang W, Ohira T, Maeda M, Nakano H, Iwasa H, Yasumura S, Ohtsuru A, Harigane M, Suzuki Y, Horikoshi N, Takase K, Takahashi A, Yabe H, Kamiya K, for the Fukushima Health Management Survey Group. The association between self-reported sleep dissatisfaction after the Great East Japan Earthquake and a deteriorated socioeconomic status in the evacuation area: the Fukushima Health Management Survey. Sleep Med, 68:63-70, 2019.
  18. 18. Goto R, Tanigawa T, Maruyama K, Tomooka K, Eguchi E, Osawa H, Saito I. Associations of snoring frequency with blood pressure among the lean Japanese population: the Toon Health Study. J Hum Hypertens. Jan 8. doi: 10.1038/s41371-018-0148-9, 2019.






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