福島県立医科大学業績集 福島県立医科大学

現在位置: 業績集 > 平成27年(2015年) > 多発性硬化症治療学講座

多発性硬化症治療学講座 平成27年(2015年)



YOKOTE, H; NOSE, Y; ISHIBASHI, S; KAMATA, T; TANAKA, K; TAKAHASHI, T; FUJIHARA, K*; YOKOTA, T; MIZUSAWA, H. Spinal cord ring enhancement in patients with neuromyelitis optica. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 2015 07; 132(1):37-41.

ZEKA, B; HASTERMANN, M; HOCHMEISTER, S; KÖGL, N; KAUFMANN, N; SCHANDA, K; MADER, S; MISU, T; ROMMER, P; FUJIHARA, K*; ILLES, Z; LEUTMEZER, F; SATO, DK; NAKASHIMA, I; REINDL, M; LASSMANN, H; BRADL, M. Highly encephalitogenic aquaporin 4-specific T cells and NMO-IgG jointly orchestrate lesion location and tissue damage in the CNS. Acta Neuropathologica. 2015 12; 130(6):783-798.

KUROSAWA, K; MISU, T; TAKAI, Y; SATO, DK; TAKAHASHI, T; ABE, Y; IWANARI, H; OGAWA, R; NAKASHIMA, I; FUJIHARA, K*; HAMAKUBO, T; YASUI, M; AOKI, M. Severely exacerbated neuromyelitis optica rat model with extensive astrocytopathy by high affinity anti-aquaporin-4 monoclonal antibody. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2015 12; 3:82.

KARIYA, Y*; KARIYA*, Y; SAITO, T*; NISHIYAMA, S; HONDA, T*; TANAKA, K; YOSHIDA, M; FUJIHARA, K*; HASHIMOTO, Y*. Increased cerebrospinal fluid osteopontin levels and its involvement in macrophage infiltration in neuromyelitis optica. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) Clinical. 2015 01; 3:126-134.

TATEYAMA, M; FUJIHARA, K*; MISU, T; ARAI, A; KANETA, T; AOKI, M. Clinical values of FDG PET in polymyositis and dermatomyositis syndromes: imaging of skeletal muscle inflammation. BMJ Open. 2015 01; 5(1):e006763.

HINO-FUKUYO, N; KAZUHIRO, HAGINOYA, K; NAKASHIMA, I; SATO, DK; TAKAHASHI, T; MISU, T; FUJIHARA, K*; HIROSE, M; KAKISAKA, Y; UEMATSU, M; KOBAYASHI, T; KURE, S. Clinical features and long-term outcome of a group of Japanese children with inflammatory central nervous system disorders and seropositivity to myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies. Brain and Development. 2015 10; 37(9):849-852.

FUJIMORI, J; BABA, T; MEGURO, Y; NAKASHIMA, I; MORI, E; FUJIHARA, K*; AOKI, M. Comparison of the Rao Brief Repeatable Neuropsychological Battery with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III and Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised in Japanese patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology. 2015 08; 6(3):306-308.

GEIS, C; RITTER, C; RUSCHIL, C; WEISHAUPT, A; GRÜNEWALD, B; STOLL, G; HOLMOY, T; MISU, T; FUJIHARA, K*; HEMMER, B; STADELMANN, C; BENNETT, JL; SOMMER, C; TOYKA, KV. The intrinsic pathogenic role of autoantibodies to aquaporin 4 mediating spinal cord disease in a rat passive-transfer model. Experimental Neurology. 2015 03; 265:8-21.

PICCOLO, L; KUMAR, G; NAKASHIMA, I; MISU, T; KONG, Y; WAKERLEY, B; RYAN, S; CAVEY, A; FUJIHARA, K*; PALACE, J. Multiple Sclerosis in Japan appears to be a milder disease compared to the UK. Journal of Neurology. 2015; 262(4):831-836.

AKAISHI, T; NAKASHIMA, I; MISU, T; FUJIHARA, K*; AOKI, M. Depressive state and chronic fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 2015 06; 283:70-73.

AKAISHI, T; NARIKAWA, K; SUZUKI, Y; MITSUZAWA, S; TSUKITA, K; KURODA, H; NAKASHIMA, I; FUJIHARA, K*; AOKI, M. Importance of the quotient of albumin, quotient of immunoglobulin G and Reibergram in inflammatory neurological disorders with disease-specific patterns of blood–brain barrier permeability. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience. 2015 05; 3(3):94-100.

KURODA, H; FUJIHARA, K*; KUSHIMOTO, S; AOKI, M. Novel clinical grading of delayed neurologic sequelae after carbon monoxide poisoning and factors associated with outcome. Neurotoxicology. 2015 05; 48:35-43.

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KREMER, S; RENARD, F; ACHARD, S; LANA-PEIXOTO, MA; PALACE, J; ASGARI, N; KLAWITER, EC; TENEMBAUM, SN; BANWELL, B; GREENBERG, BM; BENNETT, JL; LEVY, M; VILLOSLADA, P; SAIZ, A; FUJIHARA, K*; CHAN, KH; SCHIPPLING, S; PAUL, F; KIM, HJ; DE SEZE, J; WUERFEL, JT, The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation. Use of Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder. JAMA Neurology. 2015 07; 72(7):815-822.

BENNETT, JL; DE SEZE, J; LANA-PEIXOTO, M; PALACE, J; WALDMAN, A; SCHIPPLING, S; TENEMBAUM, S; BANWELL, B; GREENBERG, B; LEVY, M; FUJIHARA, K*; CHAN, KH; KIM, HJ; ASGARI, N; SATO, DK; KLAWITER, EC; SAIZ, A; WUERFEL, J; ZIMMERMANN, H; GREEN, A; VILLOSLADA, P; PAUL, F. Neuromyelitis optica and multiple sclerosis: Seeing differences through Optical Coherence Tomography. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2015 05; 21(6):678-688.

WEINSHENKER, BG; BARRON, G; BEHNE, JM; BENNETT, JL; CHIN, PS; CREE, B; DE, SEZE, J; ARMANDO, FLOR; FUJIHARA, K*; GREENBERG, BM; HIGASHI, S; HOLT, W; KHAN, OA; KNAPPERTZ, V; LEVY, M; MELIA, AT; PALACE, J; SMITH, TJ; SORMANI, MP; VAN, HERLE, K; VANMETER, SA; VILLOSLADA, P; WALTON, MK; WASIEWSKI, W; WINGERCHUK, D; YEAMAN, M. Challenges and opportunities in designing clinical trials for neuromyelitis optica. Neurology. 2015 04; 84(17):1805-1815.

KIM, HJ; PAUL, F; LANA-PEIXOTO, MA; TENEMBAUM, S; ASGARI, N; PALACE, J; KLAWITER, EC; SATO, DK; DE, SEZE, J; JENS, WUERFEL, J; BANWELL, BL; VILLOSLADA, P; SAIZ, A; FUJIHARA, K*; KIM, SH. MRI characteristics of neuromyelitis optica spectrum: an international update. Neurology. 2015 03; 84(11):1165-1173.

小川 諒, 藤原一男*. 免疫性神経疾患-病態解明と治療の最前線 Neuromyelitis optica(NMO) NMOの発症機序. 医学のあゆみ. 2015 10; 255(5):385-389.

藤盛寿一, 藤原一男*. 特集Ⅰ 免疫と精神神経疾患 多発性硬化症. 精神科. 2015 10; 27(4):258-261.

金子仁彦, 藤原一男*. 内科疾患の診断基準・病型分類・重症度 (第7章)神経・筋 多発性硬化症. 内科. 2015 06; 115(6):1221-1224.

金子仁彦, 藤原一男*. 内科疾患の診断基準・病型分類・重症度 (第7章)神経・筋 診断メモ 視神経脊髄炎. 内科. 2015 06; 115(6):1256.

黒澤和大, 藤原一男*. 【免疫症候群(第2版)-その他の免疫疾患を含めて-】 臓器特異的自己免疫疾患 免疫性神経・筋疾患 免疫性中枢神経疾患 視神経脊髄炎. 日本臨床 別冊 免疫症候群I. 2015 11; 16-19.

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DI, PAULI, F; HÖFTBERGER, R; REINDL, M; BEER, R; RHOMBERG, P; SCHANDA, K; SATO, D; FUJIHARA, K*; LASSMANN, H; SCHMUTZHARD, E; BERGER, T. Fulminant demyelinating encephalomyelitis: Insights from antibody studies and neuropathology. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. 2015 11; 2(6):e275.

KOBAYASHI, J; KURODA, H; EZURA, M; SUGENO, N; SHIBUI, A; TAKAHASHI, T; MISU, T; FUJIHARA, K*; MORI, E; AOKI, M. Acute callosal disconnection syndrome as an initial manifestation of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience. 2015 07; 3(4):137-139.

MOURA, FC; SATO, DK; RIMKUS, CM; APOSTOLOS-PEREIRA, SL; DE, OLIVEIRA, LM; LEITE, CC; FUJIHARA, K*; MONTEIRO, MLR; CALLEGARO, D. Anti-MOG (Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein)-positive optic neuritis with optic disc ischemia and macular star. Neuro-Ophthalmology. 2015; 39(6):285-288.

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FUJIHARA, K*; MISU, T. AQP4 in biopsied demyelinating lesions as a diagnostic clue to NMOSD and MS: Final answer? Neurology. 2015 01; 84(2):110-111.

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藤原一男*. 多発性硬化症(MS)、視神経脊髄炎(NMO、デビック病). In: 尾崎承一 責任編集. 難病辞典. 東京: 学研メディカル秀潤社; 2015 12. p.47-52.

藤原一男*. 多発性硬化症治療薬. In: 福井次矢 監修, 小松康宏, 渡邉裕司 編集. Pocket Drugs 2015. 東京: 医学書院; 2015 01. p.82-86.

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FUJIHARA, K*. New insights into the Molecular Pathogenesis of NMO Spectrum Disorders. European Charcot Foundation Symposium in the 8th Annual Meeting of Pan-Asian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (PACTRIMS); 2015 11 19; Seoul, Korea.

FUJIHARA, K*. Prevalence and Phenotypes of Demyelinating Diseases Outside Europe and NA: Asia. The 31st Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS); 2015 10; Barcelona, Spain.

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FUJIHARA, K*. The Concept of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders: Its Evolution and Lessons. The 16th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology; 2015 10; Agra, India.

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FUJIHARA, K*. Is there an “Eatern Type of MS”? Istanbul MS Days 2015; 2015 11; Istanbul, Turkey.

FUJIHARA, K*. A young lady with severe myasthenia and emaciation. The 16th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology; 2015 10; Agra, India.

FUJIHARA, K*. Evolving concept of NMO Spectrum Disorders: what can we learn? The 1st Chinese International Summit Meeting of Neuroimmunology and Neuroinfections; 2015 05; Beijing, China.

FUJIHARA, K*. Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases, Our Current Understanding of NMO and its Spectrum Disorders. The 22nd World Congress of Neurology; 2015 11; Santiago, Chile.

FUJIHARA, K*. Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis, Update in NMO. The 22nd World Congress of Neurology; 2015 11; Santiago, Chile.

FUJIHARA, K*. Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders: Pathophysiology of NMOSD. The 31st Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS); 2015 10; Barcelona, Spain.

FUJIHARA, K*. How to diagnose and treat indistinguishable early cases of inflammatory CNS diseases in Asians, New Diagnostic Criteria of NMOSD. The 8th Annual Meeting of Pan-Asian Committee for Treatmetn and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (PACTRIMS); 2015 11; Seoul, Korea.

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平成27補助・助成エビデンスに基づいた神経免疫疾患の早期診断基準・重症度分類・治療アルゴリズムの確立厚生労働科学研究費(難治性疾患等政策研究事業)国立保健医療科学院松井 真池田修一, 荻野美恵子, 梶 龍兒, 神田 隆, 吉良潤一, 楠 進, 久保田龍二, 桑原 聡, 清水 潤, 清水優子, 鈴木則宏, 園生雅弘, 祖父江元, 竹内英之, 田中正美, 中辻裕司, 新野正明, 河内 泉, 野村恭一, 酒井康成, 藤原一男*, 松尾秀徳, 横田隆徳, 木村政勝, 山村 隆, 吉川弘明, 渡邊 修
平成27補助・助成非典型的多発性硬化症の臨床・病態解析科学研究費補助金/基盤研究(B) (一般)独立行政法人日本学術振興会藤原一男* 
平成27国内共同研究HAMの革新的な医薬品等の開発促進に関する研究難治性疾患実用化研究事業日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)山野嘉久長谷川泰弘, 新野正明, 藤原一男*, 中川正法, 竹之内徳博, 永井将弘, 吉良潤一, 中村龍文, 髙嶋 博, 渡嘉敷崇, 米澤久司, 坪井義夫, 髙田礼子, 齊藤峰輝, 外丸詩野, 植田幸嗣, 松田文彦, 井上永介*

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