FUKUSHIMA Lives on the Line

169chap.IVPatient Relief Activity Records [Essays and Research Publications]FUKUSHIMA: Lives on the LineA message From Fukushima Medical UniversityChart 5: Lessons for Posterity● When faced with a crisis, rather than treating that crisis as a horrific event, think of it as an “opportunity to grow stronger,” then strive to overcome it.�On Providence, Seneca⇨ Take on the challenge with pride and confidence!● 1. In a time of hysteria, there are those in society who will seize on only half of a comment and attack by reacting only to partial reports.2. Words that turn their back on “justice” to criticize others are always in vain. (Hiroyuki Kano)3. Those who sound such alarms always do so from a place of safety.�Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes⇨ Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to push forward with dignity in spite of it.�The Burden of Proof, Scott Turow⇨ Life involves confronting insurmountable obstacles. At those moments, crying aloud does no good. All we can do is grit our teeth and persevere as we move forward. (Kensuke Ito)⇨ People must play the cards that life has dealt them. There is no sense in complaining over an unlucky hand● In areas where certain scientific cause–effect relationships cannot be established, an approach that exceeds scientific logic is necessary�Yoichiro Murakami�Yomiuri Shimbun, August 1, 2011⇩The necessity to unite safety and peace of mind● The leadership expresses a clear message of gratitude for those working in and around the disaster (I acknowledge you) =An “ignorance is bliss” or “hands-off” approach is futile during an emergency● Criticism through the luxury of 20/20 hindsight causes confusion (entirely different from normal, non-disaster events) 9.11: All passenger planes across the entire U.S. were ordered to land immediately⇨ Lauded as a wise decision⇨ Later criticized and questioned as to “Who gave the order?”3.11: “Long-term, 30-year monitoring of (2,000,000) residents’ health” was immediately called for⇨ Residents were afforded a measure of relief⇨ Later criticized as “impossible” and only liable to bring “discouraging results”● The wider public needs skills gleaned from expertsExperts with disaster management skills ⇔ Keitaro HasegawaA newly informed public using these skills ⇩Disaster prevention; minimal damage2. Lessons for PosterityLet me enumerate the lessons that must be conveyed to future generations, not limited to health care professionals, as learned from this unprecedented catastrophe.While responding to this disaster, a number of proverbs came to mind. These learnings are not only limited to major catastrophes but also apply to times of emergency. Future generations should take careful note.First, an individual approach to a formidable obstacle completely changes, whether it is perceived as a negative or positive opportunity.Second, during emergencies, there is little time for arguments regarding theoretical and practical applications. Thus, the people around must, as much as possible, provide support and cooperate with those implicated in the disaster. There are more than a few maxims that could be cited to support the dangers of neglecting this point.Third, in unanticipated events, courage is truly necessary; however, this courage should not be free from fear. Fear has to be held within oneself so that action and decisiveness can prevail. In reality, no one will come rushing to our help if we merely cry and complain.Safety and peace of mind occupy opposite poles.


